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What have you bought recently?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Besides a 6' Italian BMT Subway?
Dungeon Keeper 2, which is frustratingly incompatible with Win7.
Ticket to see Iron Man 2, which was awesome.


Dante enthusiast!
Angelo Credo;221797 said:
Ticket to see Iron Man 2, which was awesome.

My fella dragged me to see Iron Man 2. I usually don't mind watching the crap he likes, but Iron Man just freaks me out - I hate that circle thing in his chest/heart it really freaks me out. Gwenyth Paltrow is awful too apart from that it was alright I guess....?!


Well-known Member
Ben and Jerry's Milk and Cookies ice cream. Oh. My. Gosh. Its great! Oh yeah, and some other stuff to.
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