In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Respectfully, I have to say that I think people need to stop being so sensitive about everything, too. DmC is not 'your game', so if somebody criticizes it (and/or the developers' behavior about it) you should be able to take that instead of saying ''yeah, I'm just not a DmC fan for liking DMC, therefore my opinion is invalid. I'm stuck in the past.'' (Almost) nobody on the forum is still saying you're not a Devil May Cry fan if you support DmC. Nobody here is 'hating on you' for liking DmC. I think it's by no means a great game, and I and many others have explained that in multiple threads by use of cogent arguments, but that's not always appreciated, apparently. It seems that nowadays, you either like the games you're given or you're effed. ''If you don't like it, then don't play it. Don't like it, don't comment''. This sort of uncaring view is exactly what's ruining some games. Maybe a stronger outcry would've stopped Capcom from making RE5 or RE6 and staying true to RE's roots, or simply doing something new, ending the RE series.
As soon as some people have roughly the same opinion, they're suddenly said to 'parrot' each other. However, the person accusing them of that ignores the fact that he's sounding a lot like other members as well. The point is, don't make everyone 'your enemy', and stop assuming everyone is like the worst part of the fanbase. The world is not solely made of extremes; it's not black and white like a yin-yang Taijitu symbol. That said, don't just accept total nonsense, either. Anyway, we're all adults here, so if you can't stand somebody, just ignore them. There is a button for it, after all, though you still get the notification that the person you blocked replied, which is annoying enough.
Outside here, I get accusations for liking DmC, such as the following:
"Blind fool"
"NT Bootlicker"
"You wasted your precious money on garbage and its bull$#!+ DLC"
"Tameem's pet"
I had about enough of these labels!
The "If you don't like it, then don't play it. Don't like it may be uncaring for some like you, but its somewhat a smart way for some people like me. You don't see me bitch on some things I don't like... Getting labelled badly could cause some uncaring behavior such as to the point of saying that quote. It might be a psychological impact too.
Yeah, I get annoying alerts whenever the people I ignore reply!