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What happened to us?


Well-known Member
Guys, what happenned, for a while we all talked about how much we loved the series and our respective incarnations of it, but now some of us do nothing but complain about it and talk about how much we hate DMC or DmC. Have we become so hostile and hopeless that almost every week we see a "Dante vs Dante" or "my opinion beats your opinion".

Now I feel that because we have nothing worth talking about, we do nothing but nit pick, which is sad because we used to talk about so much more.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Blame the people who pick a fight and the people who take it in.

But honestly can you blame them? DmC just came out and now Capcom hasn't given any kind of word as to what will happen to the franchise now. And with capcom now going under, there's really no telling where Devil May Cry will go now. This p*sses both DMC and DmC fans off, making them agitated and starting stupid arguments of who's the better Dante, which had the better story, hate towards NT just because the said some small words, and any other reason to fight.

It's really over-the-top around here, and not in the good way.

Personally with me, I'm a DmC fan regardless of what anyone says, and a DMC fan second. But that doesn't mean I can't like both. (2 outta 4 at least) But anyway, it's just crazy here, because we don't know the future of Devil May Cry, and now some are very antsy. Until capcom says something, this aruing will be going on for a while. At least until the DmC movie, which will give us a small glimer of hope that Devil May Cry isn't dead.

But it is...it's currently in a coma or in the unemployment line.


Well-known Member


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Blame the people who pick a fight and the people who take it in.

But honestly can you blame them? DmC just came out and now Capcom hasn't given any kind of word as to what will happen to the franchise now. And with capcom now going under, there's really no telling where Devil May Cry will go now. This p*sses both DMC and DmC fans off, making them agitated and starting stupid arguments of who's the better Dante, which had the better story, hate towards NT just because the said some small words, and any other reason to fight.

It's really over-the-top around here, and not in the good way.

Personally with me, I'm a DmC fan regardless of what anyone says, and a DMC fan second. But that doesn't mean I can't like both. (2 outta 4 at least) But anyway, it's just crazy here, because we don't know the future of Devil May Cry, and now some are very antsy. Until capcom says something, this aruing will be going on for a while. At least until the DmC movie, which will give us a small glimer of hope that Devil May Cry isn't dead.

But it is...it's currently in a coma or in the unemployment line.

This is where I'm getting at too! Maybe until a better plot is made, then DMC would become a more interesting franchise again...! Honestly, since DMC4, I lost interest in the franchise...

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Guys, what happenned, for a while we all talked about how much we loved the series and our respective incarnations of it, but now some of us do nothing but complain about it and talk about how much we hate DMC or DmC. Have we become so hostile and hopeless that almost every week we see a "Dante vs Dante" or "my opinion beats your opinion".

Now I feel that because we have nothing worth talking about, we do nothing but nit pick, which is sad because we used to talk about so much more.

You know what, for the majority of people it's just easier to focus on the negative and forget about looking for the positives.
I'll tell you the story about how and when things went wrong:

Once upon a time the fandom shared a love for the series .There were the minor disputes from time to time about which Dante was preferred in which game in the series, but all in all the love was shared and most of the time peace was had.
The fandom had some concerns about the franchise, and where it may be going, based on Dante taking a backseat in 4, some were in favour of a new protagonist, others were in favour of having Dante back in the spotlight. At the end of the day, everyone had high hopes and expectations for the next installment of the series.

Along came NT and Capcom and released a trailer of what we could expect from the next DMC.
Only, it wasn't what anybody had been expecting. (Don't lie, nobody expected the drowned rat!)
This is where the divide in the fandom was created. The loyal devoted fans who were outraged about this radical change, and the loyal devoted fans who wanted to give this change a fair chance. One side ganged up against the other for even contemplating ruining the image of Devil May Cry. They spat at the change, and they spat on whoever supported that change. It no longer mattered that a few days prior, we were all on the same page (or at least in the same book) about the series.
And so came all the insults of not being true fans of the series, being stuck-up, etc etc (this is from both sides to both sides at times).

Finally DmC is released to the public. Some people love it. Some people like it. Some people hate it. Are there any people here who haven't played the game themselves yet? There is no general consensus anymore. You're judged for hating the game, you're judged for loving the game, you're judged for being neutral on the game. People who try to talk highly of the game are often met with either negatives of said game or by comparisons of previous titles.

Why are people doing this? Why has the fandom gone to ****?
Is it really just because Dante no longer had his silver locks?
Is it really just because 'old' Dante was in need of an 'upgrade'?
No. C'mon, people. We've had our squabbles in the past about the series itself and it never resulted in WW3 before.
I've said it before and I'll say it again (in summary this time):
people need to learn how to respect each other's opinion. That's the issue. I don't know why this has been taken out of the equation. Everyone has always been entitled to their opinion, that hasn't changed, but it seems nobody cares that there is a time, and there is a place, and then there are some things you.JUST. DON'T. SAY.

Common decency and respecting other members' likes and dislikes have become a taboo.
Thanks to the trolls who used to sign up simply to create a thread declaring their undying hate for DmC. And thanks to the older members here who took a nose dive between the troll's butt-cheeks and lowered themselves to the same level. I know, it's disgusting. It was pretty horrendous how some of the mature members threw tantrums that made our younger members look like the adults, too.

Well, that's my bit on it.

With all that said, it's never too late to flip the coin. It's up to you guys.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Hate to double-post, but I have to add more reasons why I am losing interest in the DMC "series":
  1. Some "fans" picking on people who actually like DmC, like me, getting bad labels. Honestly, deep down, they are just venting out their frustrations of being the ones insulted...
  2. Seems this fanbase has some bad blood among themselves, between those who like DMC and those who like DmC. And I don't want to be in any part of it...!
  3. DMC Anime and DMC4 did ruin Dante's characteristics... Kudos to those who made a good point on that. Damn that Hiroyuki Kobayashi! :mad:
  4. The more popular "Dante"s are DMC3 and DMC4. What happened to DMC1 Dante, the original Dante? Why can't people like that Dante more? He's the base and foundation of those "Dante"s, you know?! Plus, DMC1 Dante is my most fav Dante!!!
  5. Capcom should never have made Kamiya and Team Little Devils sell the DMC rights to a new dev team which made them disband that very team who made DMC in the first place! They never should've touched it as Kamiya-san intended DMC2 and the games after it and so on to have a different cast of characters, instead of just Dante and Trish... It was Capcom's own mistake to make it a series which is riddled with plot hole extravaganzas and inconsistent, contradicting errors. I dare anyone, and I mean anyone as this is a warning, say that Kamiya-san abandoned DMC and I will counter that with this!
  6. DMC4 would have been made a whole lot better, but in terms of sales and gameplay, it is the "Call of Duty of DMC". It also had a terrible story that spells save-my-girlfriend anime love interest cliche similar to Twilight featuring Dante as a supporting actor. Even the DMC4 Deadly Fortune novels make little sense! I read a summary of it, and it really is full of bollocks! Look at the $#!+ it spewed! Nero being a walking plothole acting too much like Dante (I felt like he wasn't needed to be added in the old story...), Dante acting like an uncaring d-bag - even more childish than he is in DMC3 (not to mention the awful cowboy belt fetish he has been wearing!),
  7. The only interesting DMCs are just only DMC1, DMC3, and even DmC... Manga was okay, novels were better, but the rest? Uugh! As for DmC, it was a breath of fresh air! Not breathing the same air again, but if that air smells fresher, then I'll jump right back in!
  8. EDIT: This series is not what Kamiya-san intended...
Not to mention that, with actions like these, be in the internet or in real life, I feel like losing my faith towards humanity again...!

You know what, for the majority of people it's just easier to focus on the negative and forget about looking for the positives.
I'll tell you the story about how and when things went wrong:

Once upon a time the fandom shared a love for the series .There were the minor disputes from time to time about which Dante was preferred in which game in the series, but all in all the love was shared and most of the time peace was had.
The fandom had some concerns about the franchise, and where it may be going, based on Dante taking a backseat in 4, some were in favour of a new protagonist, others were in favour of having Dante back in the spotlight. At the end of the day, everyone had high hopes and expectations for the next installment of the series.

Along came NT and Capcom and released a trailer of what we could expect from the next DMC.
Only, it wasn't what anybody had been expecting. (Don't lie, nobody expected the drowned rat!)
This is where the divide in the fandom was created. The loyal devoted fans who were outraged about this radical change, and the loyal devoted fans who wanted to give this change a fair chance. One side ganged up against the other for even contemplating ruining the image of Devil May Cry. They spat at the change, and they spat on whoever supported that change. It no longer mattered that a few days prior, we were all on the same page (or at least in the same book) about the series.
And so came all the insults of not being true fans of the series, being stuck-up, etc etc (this is from both sides to both sides at times).

Finally DmC is released to the public. Some people love it. Some people like it. Some people hate it. Are there any people here who haven't played the game themselves yet? There is no general consensus anymore. You're judged for hating the game, you're judged for loving the game, you're judged for being neutral on the game. People who try to talk highly of the game are often met with either negatives of said game or by comparisons of previous titles.

Why are people doing this? Why has the fandom gone to ****?
Is it really just because Dante no longer had his silver locks?
Is it really just because 'old' Dante was in need of an 'upgrade'?
No. C'mon, people. We've had our squabbles in the past about the series itself and it never resulted in WW3 before.
I've said it before and I'll say it again (in summary this time):
people need to learn how to respect each other's opinion. That's the issue. I don't know why this has been taken out of the equation. Everyone has always been entitled to their opinion, that hasn't changed, but it seems nobody cares that there is a time, and there is a place, and then there are some things you.JUST. DON'T. SAY.

Common decency and respecting other members' likes and dislikes have become a taboo.
Thanks to the trolls who used to sign up simply to create a thread declaring their undying hate for DmC. And thanks to the older members here who took a nose dive between the troll's butt-cheeks and lowered themselves to the same level. I know, it's disgusting. It was pretty horrendous how some of the mature members threw tantrums that made our younger members look like the adults, too.

Well, that's my bit on it.

With all that said, it's never too late to flip the coin. It's up to you guys.
This is a good story. You know what? You are right on this!

As what Tony_Redgrave once said:
There is no such thing as a "true" fan!

But people, especially outside DMC.org, have their "higher than thou" obnoxious attitude and seem to forget that. I get bullied like "You lose your precious money for buying DmC and its DLCs". Truth is, I did pre-order the game but I didn't get the DLCs (except the free Bloody Palace for it is a recurring staple since DMC2) and I don't think it was a waste of my money.

Because I have a life. I have actual work. I have something productive to do rather than sitting on the PC constantly bitching around against those with a different opinion from mine! May I be kind enough to add this up?

May I add also this?
It isn't exactly on people's own opinions. It is rather the way people express those opinions of theirs, as what some members like GF9000000Returns and LysseC said here. So if the opinion says something like "XXX just sucks", then it would lead to a flame war. If only there were respectful opinions which go like "I don't like XXX. It's not my kind of thing. Sorry." then that won't be a problem! RIGHT?!?


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
I'm beggining to understand your intentions more, thank you all for posting on this thread. Yeah, we're going through some dark times and Capcom's financial state makes it even worse. I love both DMC and DmC and I just want the series to survive.

I'm with you there. But due the flaws in both, the fanbase still having bad blood with each other (even fighting fire with fire didn't help), and finding out the truth that this "series" isn't what Hideki Kamiya had in mind (as well as sympathizing him for being ****ed off for so many times in which I can't count how many in his Twitter as well as accusations of him "abandoning DMC"; he did acknowledge DmC though), there is a bigger part of me that wants to turn away from this series forever!!! :mad:

Also, this is making me lose my faith in humanity so much that I want to see the entire human race go down the path of their own self-annihilation after finding out that this is modern society as we see it!


Well-known Member
I'm with you there. But due the flaws in both, the fanbase still having bad blood with each other (even fighting fire with fire didn't help), and finding out the truth that this "series" isn't what Hideki Kamiya had in mind (as well as sympathizing him for being ****ed off for so many times in which I can't count how many in his Twitter as well as accusations of him "abandoning DMC"; he did acknowledge DmC though), there is a bigger part of me that wants to turn away from this series forever!!! :mad:

Also, this is making me lose my faith in humanity so much that I want to see the entire human race go down the path of their own self-annihilation after finding out that this is modern society as we see it!

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one taking this seriously. Many times we've seen people on both sides of the spectrum disreagard or even try to make a joke out of the opinions of others. Something as innocent as what someone wants to do for fun turns into a roaring obsession with attacking their personalities.

But, despite all that, I'm in it for the games. I believe in terms of story. DMC has a better concept but DmC has far better execution and structure.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one taking this seriously. Many times we've seen people on both sides of the spectrum disreagard or even try to make a joke out of the opinions of others. Something as innocent as what someone wants to do for fun turns into a roaring obsession with attacking their personalities.

But, despite all that, I'm in it for the games. I believe in terms of story. DMC has a better concept but DmC has far better execution and structure.

We must look at both sides of the coin. We must see both Yin and Yang. Many people only looked at one of the two and never even bothered to look at the other, missing out on what that has to offer...

This I must agree for both stories. They have their own ups and downs anyway... In the "original" series, I find DMC1's story the best, with DMC3's coming in second for it is passable... I'm fine with DmC's story.

I've been following you for a long time now BTW...! :)


Well-known Member
It all boils down to understanding the value of tolerance. Wow, parts of this site are more messed up than an opinionated republican and democrat at a drunken brawl. Except instead of religious and political views, it's people calling each other either weaboo fanboys or traitors.

True, if we had someone with both those skills revisit and or remake the franchise, we could have something great here. Think the DMC Novels, Dante was an amazing character there and he wasn't too different from DmC Dante at times, hell, during the DMC2 novel, a parallel Vergil led a rebellion against Mundus.

Thanks, glad to see someone who positions themselves firmly at the middle as well.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
It all boils down to understanding the value of tolerance. Wow, parts of this site are more messed up than an opinionated republican and democrat at a drunken brawl. Except instead of religious and political views, it's people calling each other either weaboo fanboys or traitors.

True, if we had someone with both those skills revisit and or remake the franchise, we could have something great here. Think the DMC Novels, Dante was an amazing character there and he wasn't too different from DmC Dante at times, hell, during the DMC2 novel, a parallel Vergil led a rebellion against Mundus.

Thanks, glad to see someone who positions themselves firmly at the middle as well.

I am to please.

Indeed. What I see now is like oil and water which don't mix together. DMC had good gameplay but had a bad story, but DmC had good-but-not-that-good gameplay but had a good story. I want the next DMC game to have a good flow in both story and gameplay elements, alongside replay value too! :)

And I thought I was the lone DMC fan hiding in the "DMC and DmC sanctuary" I have come to...!
I'm not alone... not anymore... :)


Well-known Member
I edited what I said. Please check it out.

And good night. I'm gonna go to sleep now.
By the time I wake up, I wanna have another Day to Live!
Lyrics are in the description BTW.

I reread your post and I agree, I think that DMCs plot has to be expanded if they plan to return to it. DmC's good plot also needs some warmth, but that's just my opinion.

See you soon, enjoy your night.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Something like this will always happen when you bring a reboot in.

It tends to ALWAYS split the fanbase down the middle.

There is no "one side is more right then the other" whether it be DmC fans or DMC fans since I have run into plenty of butthurt DmC fans of the reboot who attack anyone who says anything negative towards the reboot even if they are respectable and just giving their honest opinion.

They feel the need to defend this game at all cost and see any kind of less than positive opinions about DmC as a threat and just do not have the common sense to tell the difference from someone who is giving their opinion respectably and someone who is aiming rile them up with hate for DmC. I know since I have been on the receiving end of their fan butthurt lol.

And I have seen fans of the original series butthurt over the change and taking a **** on the DmC reboot at all turns and their fans and thus turn a DmC thread into chaos.

This is just something to expect when a reboot comes about, you can't fight it since there will always be those hostile butthurt fans who take things far to seriously.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
I reread your post and I agree, I think that DMCs plot has to be expanded if they plan to return to it. DmC's good plot also needs some warmth, but that's just my opinion.

See you soon, enjoy your night.

I'm up! :)

I have to agree on the fact that there is no such thing as "one side is more right than the other". It may relate to what Tony_Redgrave said that there is no such thing as a "true" fan. Good words there, ToCool! :D


Well-known Member
Something like this will always happen when you bring a reboot in.

It tends to ALWAYS split the fanbase down the middle.

There is no "one side is more right then the other" whether it be DmC fans or DMC fans since I have run into plenty of butthurt DmC fans of the reboot who attack anyone who says anything negative towards the reboot even if they are respectable and just giving their honest opinion.

They feel the need to defend this game at all cost and see any kind of less than positive opinions about DmC as a threat and just do not have the common sense to tell the difference from someone who is giving their opinion respectably and someone who is aiming rile them up with hate for DmC. I know since I have been on the receiving end of their fan butthurt lol.

And I have seen fans of the original series butthurt over the change and taking a **** on the DmC reboot at all turns and their fans and thus turn a DmC thread into chaos.

This is just something to expect when a reboot comes about, you can't fight it since there will always be those hostile butthurt fans who take things far to seriously.

I'm up! :)

I have to agree on the fact that there is no such thing as "one side is more right than the other". It may relate to what Tony_Redgrave said that there is no such thing as a "true" fan. Good words there, ToCool! :D

Yeah, in a series with 5 different titles, no one can really be a true fan.


Solid Ocelot
Respectfully, I have to say that I think people need to stop being so sensitive about everything, too. DmC is not 'your game', so if somebody criticizes it (and/or the developers' behavior about it) you should be able to take that instead of saying ''yeah, I'm just not a DmC fan for liking DMC, therefore my opinion is invalid. I'm stuck in the past.'' (Almost) nobody on the forum is still saying you're not a Devil May Cry fan if you support DmC. Nobody here is 'hating on you' for liking DmC. I think it's by no means a great game, and I and many others have explained that in multiple threads by use of cogent arguments, but that's not always appreciated, apparently. It seems that nowadays, you either like the games you're given or you're effed. ''If you don't like it, then don't play it. Don't like it, don't comment''. This sort of uncaring view is exactly what's ruining some games. Maybe a stronger outcry would've stopped Capcom from making RE5 or RE6 and staying true to RE's roots, or simply doing something new, ending the RE series.

As soon as some people have roughly the same opinion, they're suddenly said to 'parrot' each other. However, the person accusing them of that ignores the fact that he's sounding a lot like other members as well. The point is, don't make everyone 'your enemy', and stop assuming everyone is like the worst part of the fanbase. The world is not solely made of extremes; it's not black and white like a yin-yang Taijitu symbol. That said, don't just accept total nonsense, either. Anyway, we're all adults here, so if you can't stand somebody, just ignore them. There is a button for it, after all, though you still get the notification that the person you blocked replied, which is annoying enough.
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