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What did Keaton mean?

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New Member
Keaton sent me a PM saying this;

You have been bumping many old and 'dead' threads latly. Incase you are unaware this is against the rules. If you want to discuss something create a new thread, but simply commenting on an old on to boost your post count isnt the thing to do. This is a warning to stop doing this, if you are unsure about a thread if its dead or not feel free to contact me about it.

If it persists I will apply infractions for it. Okay?

What did he mean. How am I supposed to know if the threads I post in are dead or not. Jeez way to go tony you got the worst person for the job. He cant even spell and much more.

If this is deemed worthy enough to get me banned then I apoligise but put me out of my misery and tell me what this means.


The devoted
First off, tony didnt pick him, the admins made the final choice and a few people recommended him, including me
next, he can spell better than alot of people i know, and he wont get everything perfect because he is buys
and if you dont know if its old or not, simply ask keaton, or dont post in it. I use the idea, if nobody has posted in it for more than 2 weeks its old, but most of the topics on the first page arent old, but dont use that as a marker, just use your common sense, and if your still unsure, ask someone


Well-known Member
You won't be banned for asking a question nor bumping posts, as it says in your quotation...'this is a warning' ;)

You posted in this thread: http://forums.devilmaycry.org/showthread.php?t=2630 of which if you notice the date of the original post was dated in 2007. This is an old and dead thread.

I mentioned that you had been bumping up old threads latley, incl one reguarding the Devil May Cry Anime, again, these were old and didn't need a post that didn't actually add any new information to the topic. :]

Before you post, look at the previous posts date and time, if it is over a month old think about wether the thread needs bumping or not.

Also, on another note, if you were confused about my Privite Message, would it not have been more suitable to simply reply and ask me to clarify? o_O

If you are unsure, still, about what Bumping is and when not to do it you can consult my userguide (shameless self promotion =p) or just PM me, I'm happy to handle any querys. :)

EDIT: Beaten by Vauxchen =p +rep, you've read my guide :D, and I am only human and my speelings wunt be gud alwayz :D

Also moving this to Feedback and Questions ^__^


The devoted
lol nice spelling at the end, and i havent read your guide really, i just know :p but you cant take the rep back, rep+ for being a good mod =]


New Member
Thank-you for answering my question but Keaton I thought we were good friends but you come and warn me and say all these weird stuff. I cant believe you. God darn any person that picked you to become a member of the staff. Can you atleast make a special icon thing that tells people if the posts are dead or not that will atleast calm down the posting.

If you were a member of the staff you would have a mind or atleast play with your brain. Or I doubt that you even have a brain.


The devoted
he is doing his job, dont moan at him.

you also moan that people voted for him to be a mod made a bad decision, thats saying that about 10 members and the 3 mods and tony made a bad choice? also there cant be a special icon because there isnt a real limit to the time passed, because there isnt a real limit to it, you just need to use your common sense as much as possible


New Member
You seriously need to limit your mouth. Thank god he is going to france for a week. Jeez couldnt he go for longer? Or will he miss all of you guys. He cant handle a week without these forums.


The devoted
i havent said anything that could be considered a swear, and if you dont like keaton, then you should keep you opinions to myself, i am not going to do that same thing as BoC did, and start flaming at you and then get banned

Keaton sorry that this thread is going off topic


New Member
Get a life man. Perhaps go elsewhere and study. You might actually become something in your life if you do. You must not be a failure and try to reach high and aim for your goals.

And to think I am in the same club as you. You disgrace the name of the Anti-Nero club. I have said all I needed to say.

If you feel this thread is unnecessary and you feel the urge to close it. Go ahead.


The devoted
i have a life, and i hate studying, i dont need to, i have finished my exams and if i am a failure, then id like to know who really thinks that, seeing as how i came top in all but 2 of my lessons


New Member
Just stop talking. I mean you are such a "noob"
Maybe if you closed your mouth and stopped posting irrelevant posts we could have been alright but you had to post your mind didnt you?

*checks the museum and sees a brain. You may have the brain as your head is pretty empty and dull*

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Keaton's doing his job, no need to get arguementative over it, he'd say the same thing to friends as he'd say to anyone else who was breaking rules because it's his job to do so.

He was picked because he's deserving of the job, his history on these forums proves that he's trustworthy and capable of the job, so no need to have a rant at him for that.

Oh and, to tell if threads are dead, look at the time the last person posted, if it's quite a while ago, you know that it's dead and you shouldn't post, the reason that rule is there is so not to clog up the forums with old threads that have very little activity.


Well-known Member
vergistar;104598 said:
Thank-you for answering my question but Keaton I thought we were good friends but you come and warn me and say all these weird stuff.

It was an informal warning, you were bumping very old posts without adding any new information to the discussion. Being a friend doesn't grant you immunity from the rules.

You Bumped old threads, I dispatched an warning via. PM.

I would do the same to Dante Aseroth, Vauxchen, LordofDarkness...anyone, if they needed it.

I cant believe you. God darn any person that picked you to become a member of the staff. Can you atleast make a special icon thing that tells people if the posts are dead or not that will atleast calm down the posting.

There already is a peice of info that says that, the date of the last post. As Vauxchen kindly said, if its over a month old leave it alone or think carefully if you have something new to contribute.

If you were a member of the staff you would have a mind or atleast play with your brain. Or I doubt that you even have a brain.

Last time I checked my Brain was there...sure, it takes Holidays, but it would never take a holiday when i'm on duty here ^_o


New Member
Who invited Angelo Credo? Huh?

Stop putting your head in other peoples problems. You always post as you think your the solution. Get it through your head your NOT the solution. Keaton was trustworthy? How is that? He was posting in new threads or what and just that he helps people out how is that deserving?

Dante Aseroth owns Keaton in my opinion. If DA was in and Keaton was out I would be very happy.


The devoted
you dont need an invite to post a thread, and if you are unhappy with keatons modding capabilities then leave the forum, your free to do so, and i dont post as the solution, i post as the answer to the question you put


Well-known Member
Locky Locky and I will inform you AGAIN via PM to discuss this sudden outburst and explosion of Personal Attack Flames ^_^

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
vergistar;104590 said:
What did he mean. How am I supposed to know if the threads I post in are dead or not. Jeez way to go tony you got the worst person for the job. He cant even spell and much more.

Should have Private Messaged him to ask him instead of putting this on the boards. Also we chose the person we deemed best for the job and hes doing a damn good job whether you think so or not.

vergistar;104598 said:
Keaton I thought we were good friends but you come and warn me and say all these weird stuff. I cant believe you. God darn any person that picked you to become a member of the staff.

It matters not who your friends are when you are a staff member, you have to warn people who break the rules regardless. Might sound harsh to you but its part of the job and you cant be bias. He has shown a good professional quality by doing this. Also for the record i dont believe in god so guess i cant be darned. ;)

vergistar;104598 said:
Can you atleast make a special icon thing that tells people if the posts are dead or not that will atleast calm down the posting.

The dates are on every post to show when the last post was. If it says 2007 then its obviously a long dead thread so by bumping it you are breaking the rules. Also i added some infractions myself as you continuously insulted and belittled people in this thread.


Is not rat, is hamster
Yeeeeah...this thread was a WASTE of time.

And God won't darn me for selecting Keaton as mod - I'm on His side, after all ;)

Dark Drakan hit the nail on the head with how regardless of your friendships, staff have a job to do and Keaton is doing his rather well. If you have a problem with him, PM him. If that is not an option, PM another member of staff detailing specific grievances so that it can be looked at properly.

Finally, watch your mouth young man. I don't take too kindly to immature baby tantrums messing up our boards.
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