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What are your disappointments in DmC Devil May Cry?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
It lost me when IGN said the writing took itself too seriously.

Yeah, because both were REALLY serious and tried to be dark with their stories.


Well-known Member
Yeah, because both were REALLY serious and tried to be dark with their stories.

And how is it that Anita thinks it's sexist to kill a highly- powerful (and kinda sexy) female cyborg but it's okay for the game to force you to escort a weak (powerful, my @$$) teenage girl?


Well-known Member
And how is it that Anita thinks it's sexist to kill a highly- powerful (and kinda sexy) female cyborg but it's okay for the game to force you to escort a weak (powerful, my @$$) teenage girl?
You do realize she doesn't actually care about feminism, right?

If she did, she'd go after Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3's female health mechanic. And that's only one of many. :)


Let's rock, baby!
There are a few things I'm disappointed in.
- Lillith... ugghhh! Would've expected something out of her like in the old DMC games. Make her look like a popstar with a touch of Lindsay Lohan in it.
- The Order could've at least added a traitor like Cypher from the Matrix, who'd reveal to Mundus about Vergil and him being a nephilim and Dante's brother. If it was Bob Barbas, he would've been better as a traitor to the Order than a new reporter. Or if it was that Drekavak, that'd be a twist.
- More characters from the Order to team up with Dante.
- More appearances with Phineas after Mundus' defeat.


Devil hunter in training
There are a few things I'm disappointed in.
- Lillith... ugghhh! Would've expected something out of her like in the old DMC games. Make her look like a popstar with a touch of Lindsay Lohan in it.
Lilith is what would happen if Lohan had a load of plastic surgery and went totally off the rails and became a faded star trying to recapture her glory days. She wasn't supposed to be pretty; more like fake, insecure and manipulative.
- More appearances with Phineas after Mundus' defeat.
I would have lied to see more of him too. I get the feeling he was holding out on Dante. If they make a second game, I'd want him in it.

I've had another thought. This isn't a disappointment with the game, but I am wondering how much the humans were doped up not to notice that 'Kyle Ryder' had three eyes stamped on his forehead. Wouldn't that be just a little odd to see that?:/

so many chekhov's guns
Except for Vergil. The first time we see him anywhere near a gun is when he uses one to blast Lilith. :troll:


Fake Geek Girl.
-The color coded enemy combinations is an odd choice because for a combat system that does hold depth and variety the game itself becomes it's worst enemy. Like it's restricting the potential the combat does have. Everyone who has dived in to it knows it does.

-The bosses except for Vergil all are just typical boss fights that are rather easy. It's not the do or die test of skill you'd expect them to be.

-The missed potential. Now this is something that I thought about. I'm looking at the very early concept art for the game and it was a completely different creation from the looks of it in its inception. I really think Ninja Theory were asked to hold on to the original series a little too much even if it does look different. While the narrative is stronger than any other Devil May Cry it still doesn't do anything that much to surpass in the overall depth of the substance. Like the really cool ideas that could have been explored at a much deeper level were somehow put on a hold just to make it pay homage to its predecessor in a sense I feel it shouldn't have to.

The original series was weak when it came to story telling, character development, and world building. That's something it always sucked in and I for one feel that Devil May Cry doesn't have to suck in that department. The new one while having the better voice performances and stronger narrative still doesn't really get that much better. It's no worse than the stupid generic anime plots from the original series.


Screw what the betrayed weeaboos think. This Devil May Cry would have definitely been the more creative edge to a series that was at a creative dead end. Maybe Ninja Theory should build a new IP of of this design because I see the talent to create interesting worlds and stories. And working with the Devil May Cry people I think they now have picked up on that improvement in the gameplay department which is what they suffered from. Heavenly Sword and Enslaved both had great narratives and overall worlds they took place in. A shame the gameplay failed to really draw you in more.


Let's rock, baby!
Limbo would've shown more like how media has changed
Pop music became corrupted:
- Ke$ha
- Nicki Minaj
- Lindsay Lohan
- Britney Spears (from happy to stupidity)
- Christina Aguilera (turned from genie to bionic)

Cartoons that are with some stupidity:
- Spongebob
- Disney lost its magic of Christ

Reality Shows:
- Snooki
- Kardashians
- Jersey Shore
- Big Brother
- Surreal Life

Marriages falling apart

- Hunter chasing Dante wherever he goes.
- Drekavak secretly a traitor to the Order
- Sparda being a hero to demons once until turned traitor. He would've been shown through pictures when he fought alongside many warriors throughout humanity's evolution around the world.


Well-known Member

boss fight's


it''s not a game to "master" im still stuck on the HD collection and i get all achievements in just 40 hours? i know it was meant to bring in the new player's and that's cool but..... they are called achievements- seriously, get a dictionary OR be like halo 4 play on legendary for a relatively easy time and the only difficulty achievements for the game but special rewards for all skulls on

i blame reviewers for being either biast and going 10/10 or being idiots and saying 1/10 DON'T BUY THIS GAME I AM REVIEWER YOU WILL HATE THIS EVERYONE HAS THE SAME IDEA OF A PERFECT GAME DO WHAT I SAY
so dissapointed in you guys:/

more over-the-top costumes come on guy's i know you can't change the models without lots of issues but remeber dmc3 SE playing as nelo angelo was awesome

no coop *giggles manically*

anti's always finding some irrelavant BS to annoy people with pointlessly

that's about it don't get me wrong though i love the game and the combo video's i can make with it


Well-known Member
There are a few things I'm disappointed in.
- The Order could've at least added a traitor like Cypher from the Matrix, who'd reveal to Mundus about Vergil and him being a nephilim and Dante's brother. If it was Bob Barbas, he would've been better as a traitor to the Order than a new reporter. Or if it was that Drekavak, that'd be a twist.
- More characters from the Order to team up with Dante.
- More appearances with Phineas after Mundus' defeat.

It would be facinating if the hunter demon is the traitor. Like Javert in Les miserables.
Or how about we have 3 boss fights. And in the second one the hunter gets his ass kicked by Dante again and seems to incur the wrath of Mundus but at the last minute he presents a tracing beacon with a sneer and says.
"This is why they call me the Hunter my master."
And because of that beacon the SWAT teams are able to track the orders HQ.

Also it would be a good plot if Phineas gives Dante his red coat that is a momento of Sparda.
And says the story that the coat became red because of Sparda's blood as he was tortured by the minions of Mundus.

Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
I've had another thought. This isn't a disappointment with the game, but I am wondering how much the humans were doped up not to notice that 'Kyle Ryder' had three eyes stamped on his forehead. Wouldn't that be just a little odd to see that?:/
Eh, I don't think it's that odd, it's just a very weird scar that could be simply explained with stuff like "car accident", "assasination attempt" or "abusive father who really liked knives".

On topic:
I love DmC to death, yet I could rant about for hours xD I guess everything was already said though (>.>);
I'll just make a small list with things I found especially bothering or something:
  • Kat.
  • Too little information about the Order.
  • They should have showed a bit more of the impact the events in Limbo had on the human world.
  • It would have been cool to see a bit more of how much the demons really influenced the life of people (eg. pop stars)
  • Just a tiny little bit more info about the angels and the war (although I'm very happy they didn't tell us everything, which means they still have some cool stuff for a potential sequel :3)
  • Not enough Phineas :<


Well-known Member
Eh, I don't think it's that odd, it's just a very weird scar that could be

time limit does not bother me i never get told to stop or anything by it st the end my limit reads over two hours buy yeah it would be good if i could just take a break in between the ifghts
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