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Ish Julian and NO HE'SH MINE!!!!!! :D :D :D
It's Luke Worrall ^_^ I've been using him for my Julian base since Skins came out.

Wow, only just googled him and I find an almost naked pic XD He needs some man hair. Am I sounding creepy yet? XD

I always imagined Julian looking like Perish. I'd like to post a pic but it might be a little too hot for this forum...:blush:
You're exactly right - the people who say it are not local, they are landlords from elsewhere in the country, even my own landlord here has stood there and made fun of my profession (that pays his rent). And they let out holiday cottages that stay dormant for 3/4 of the year and turn Cornish villages into ghost towns. If I were a house owner around here selling up, I seriously think I would only sell it to a local/Cornish person who was going to live in it, not someone who was going to leave it to collect dust. There's a huge problem in this part of the country with people buying up houses and trying to sell them at ludicrous prices to rich people. Seriously, I saw one the other day up the road, wanting nearly 3 quarter of a million for a small cottage in the middle of nowhere... yet everyday people here struggle to even buy one because the demand here has been over-inflated by this whole practice.

The Tories and Cornwall Council are apparently in cahoots to do even more housebuilding... too much of which will probably be totally beyond the reach of people like us.

We can get 45,000 homes built which are being advertised on sites in Birmingham for people to move into, yet when local sports fans want a Stadium for Cornwall... the rest of us can do one.
(*Just a point, I don't have a problem with people that move down, but when new homes are advertised like I've said, it doesn't give local young people a chance to get on the housing ladder,)

my mum and stepdad have been trying to retire to cornwall for 3 years now but cannot afford the prices. found a perfec little place in Mousehole but costs a fortune.

Oh! I was going to live either here or Mousehole when I chose to relocate... I saw the prices there!! Madly expensive. It's almost the same situation in a sense if you are renting and not buying, you are being charged too much just for the privilege of being 'there' in a 'nice' place. In the end I chose Tintagel because the estate agent in Mousehole rudely let someone else have the place I wanted to rent right under my nose even though I'd booked a viewing, so I ended up here. I'm still paying for the privilege of living in this amazing wonderful place - and guess what, someone got stabbed practically outside my door last month by a drunk from Camelford. . .

The last bit, at one point, people would deny that kind of thing happening just to make Cornwall sound perfect.

I don't get the pricing structure in Cornwall... you could have someone living three doors away in a house worth £197,000
and then yours could only be worth £87,000
On a side note, I've never been to Mousehole or Tintagel...

CT: I better go add more stuff to DA and answer some notes.
That's that stuff uploaded onto DA and on the art thread...
I love Shadow's Avatar... cute ^^
Hey, more notes on DA ^^ *slams head into desk*
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The first thing I notice when I jump on here is that Shadow has finally changed her avatar!...lol

On other news, I'm bloody sick again, damn you stomach flu! *shakes fist*

It's about time, right? :P
I hope you feel better soon. ^^

That's that stuff uploaded onto DA and on the art thread...
I love Shadow's Avatar... cute ^^
Hey, more notes on DA ^^ *slams head into desk*

Thankies. ^^ *coughcough* It's still Credo-licious. >_> *snuggles Credo*
(*Just a point, I don't have a problem with people that move down, but when new homes are advertised like I've said, it doesn't give local young people a chance to get on the housing ladder,)

Well, in my case I don't have any intention/ability of buying a house unless I win the lottery, and apparently I am more likely to be hit by falling space rock than win that, so I hope I am not displacing any locals by taking up housing than none of them really want anyway. Nobody would be comfortable where I live, not long term, it is too small even for one person, especially if they have furniture. It is true the government needs to build more houses and refuses to because it wants to keep the house prices inflated because after all, it gets nice big fat stamp duty every time someone buys a house.

Cornwall does need more houses, but for its own people, not outsiders to buy up and leave empty. I say that myself as someone who moved here, but is in the position of the locals in the sense I don't have money and affording to live is difficult. At the same time, lots of people here who have come down from outside are NIMBYs... they don't want any more houses built that will spoil their half a million pound view. And then there is the fact that huge housing estates seem unattractive to people who are looking for picturesque idyllic retreats, but real life is not idyllic for most of us. . .

Yeah, the prices range pretty dramatically house to house, and rent to rent as well. Like, I pay £450 for my tiny apartment... but last week I saw a whole house with a garden and parking to rent for just £50 more. I know I'm being ripped off but right now I cannot afford to move...

The last bit, at one point, people would deny that kind of thing happening just to make Cornwall sound perfect.

I think they would. This isn't the first time either, last year my next door but one neighbour's boyfriend went apeshit and trashed their house, then ran out into the street screaming. When the landlord who owned that place came out from the pub (also pretty much next door) this boyfriend threatened to kill the guy at the top of his voice. I was born in Liverpool for crying out loud, and I've never had people screaming blue murder or actually stabbing people nearly on my door step, not even where I grew up in Toxteth. When I mentioned in passing to my landlord I didn't exactly feel 'safe' here anymore, she just acted like she didn't hear me.
I hate super glue. Got some one my fingers while putting together some of my 40k models. TT_TT It rather annoying. Sigh at least I can get it off.... Now when I done gluing all of them it's on to painting. :3 FOR TEH EMRAH!!!!!
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Why are there so many Mary-Sue creations in fanart and fiction?>_< Get out of fandoms I like and stop trying to date the antagonists with idealised versions of yourselves....it's creepy. And no, Vergil would not fall in love with you, no matter how pretty you are.....and stop pairing him with your super speshul half vampire/warewolf/siren abominations!
Why are there so many Mary-Sue creations in fanart and fiction?>_< Get out of fandoms I like and stop trying to date the antagonists with idealised versions of yourselves....it's creepy. And no, Vergil would not fall in love with you, no matter how pretty you are.....and stop pairing him with your super speshul half vampire/warewolf/siren abominations!
I would like to point out that, ahem, one of those Mary Sues happen to be mine.:cool: Mine is speshul though. Because she's got ME as her author. ....:shifty::devil:
I would like to point out that, ahem, one of those Mary Sues happen to be mine.:cool: Mine is speshul though. Because she's got ME as her author. ....:shifty::devil:
So long as it doesn't act or look like Lilith in DmC crossed with some hyper Japanese anime character with a huge sex drive and colour changing eyes when angry:lol: I just see so many written by teenage girls with no idea about relationships....some of them have the strangest ideas....and disturbing ideas too...
Why are there so many Mary-Sue creations in fanart and fiction?>_< Get out of fandoms I like and stop trying to date the antagonists with idealised versions of yourselves....it's creepy. And no, Vergil would not fall in love with you, no matter how pretty you are.....and stop pairing him with your super speshul half vampire/warewolf/siren abominations!

In a way, I agree, but, in a way, I don't. The term "Mary Sue" has been over-used to the point where it both has no meaning and has become such a constant spark of paranoia for writers that it's handicapping them in terms of character developement. :/ It's amazing how both a perfectly "normal" character and an extremely "over-powered/too pretty" character can both be labeled "Mary Sues". I mean, what the heck do people want? Some so-called "Mary Sues" are actually really good, well-developed characters. but because one troll decides to complain about them, the readers turn on the story. In reality, most canon characters are Mary Sues/Gary Stus. Dante, Vergil, Harry Potter, 95% of comic book characters. But because they're written well, we over look it. So, really, what people are complaining about is the writer...not the characters.

Besides...aren't all characters extensions of the writer? Just because they don't look like you or act like you, doesn't mean they aren't still a part of you. *mutters*
Sorry for ranting at you. ._.
Mary sue-ism is what scared me away from writing OCs. (I’ve never been one for including myself in creepy fan fantasies anyways… mostly fandoms with fandoms… Julian and Dante… heehee…) Ahem, so I still tend to try and write male OCs so no one can accuse me of making a Mary Sue but that doesn’t really work because I’m still looking at it thinking “I’m making this guy have the same interests as me or a similar job, therefore he’s still technically a Mary Sue and someone will pull me up on that”. Then I remember what my English teacher said from aeons ago about only writing about what you know. I can’t say the dude is an architect (and talk about old pretty buildings) since clearly, I know nothing about architecture. Then again research is ways a must about whatever your write but I still think it’s best not to go too far from the familiar, then again, it’s always good to try something new. My brain is shooting out conflicting ideas again so that means I should shut up and stop thinking.

At the end of I get so frustrated I just have a cup of tea and write what the heck I want since I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna post any of it anyways.
Shadow's post made me feel better about writting him anywas ^^
I better get ready for work @_@