Why does my Public Speaking teacher give me five class periods to write multiple drafts of a speech that is only gonna be 3 minutes and I can spout off the top of my head? Most annoying teacher and class ever -_-
That'll be me. Aka decided to make yet another account using that IP - it was his choice, and it forces us to ban it as per the rules. I'm sure he can bypass it though so he can sort you out with another IP address to use. Feel free to rage at me if you like, but it's pointless. Until I know that IP is a safe address, I can't unblock it.WTF! What was the fukkin' point of getting me IP banned!
Now I'm here when I'm in school!
WHO IP banned?! Grrr..!!! ònó
So i know who i wont like...
That'll be me. Aka decided to make yet another account using that IP - it was his choice, and it forces us to ban it as per the rules. I'm sure he can bypass it though so he can sort you out with another IP address to use. Feel free to rage at me if you like, but it's pointless. Until I know that IP is a safe address, I can't unblock it.
You are not the one being banned, you're just an unfortunate casualty of someone else's decision to flout the rules. I could always take this to the webmaster, if you like, but I can assure you he has even less patience with people who think rules don't apply to them than I do. Take it up with Aka - it's down to him this happened, I'm afraid.
Sometimes I wonder why people say certain things in public. Personally, I'd keep quiet and rant at home. If someone's hurt you, wouldn't it be logical to not prove that you are what they say you are? It's kinda like being called crazy or mean or something. If you get called it and fight, then you're basically proving them right. Being quiet might make you look like a pushover, but you can eventually prove them wrong by building up respect. This happened to me recently (hence my thoughtful mood). It really got to me, but I wasn't about to let the other person win; so I kept calm, held my ground, and they got it thrown back in their face in the end. Satisfying win, right? Granted...if most people call me crazy or a you-know-what, I usually ask them what their first clue was.... ._. /end introspective mood
Now...who wants donuts?! =D *wants donuts*
Nice thoughts there; it's good to stay calm and ---- donuts? Yes, please, I could go for them. xD
Any chance you could respond with some maturity? Ranting achieves nothing. I suggest we take this to PM's to attempt to sort it out properly rather than spam up the boards with a discussion. If you are willing to talk about this calmly, PM me and we'll see what can be sorted out.Safe?! Exuse me, all he wanted was to say bye.
He hates this place anyways, he's here on that IP every secound weekend, And he never gets on the forum.
And It was Banning ME, becuz it's my IP, rite?
And trying that way to ban my bro, keep on trying, it's not a good idea, first he tested, with clearly showing it was him!
And ALL HE WANTED was to say godby, he wont give a **** to spend time here.
Oh jeez Angel! Really?!
And ALL HE WANTED was to say godby, he wont give a **** to spend time here.
Shadow: I bought an XBOX 360 just so i could get DMC4.
ppl on 1000 Ways to Die are either really dumb or really unlucky
Probably a mixture of both. Case in point, the guy who was making meth and dunked his gum into an explosive chemical instead of the citric acid he'd been using to reflavor it.
yeah. i've labeled the reasons of deaths basically into three groups: sex/perverted related deaths, money, alcohol/drugs and jst being plain dumb
i have an F in math for a reaason lol ^^Um, that'd be four. XP
i have an F in math for a reaason lol ^^
I'm a bit ****ed off now... I went to the library and leafed through gaming magazines from years 2010-2011 but none of them had an article about DmC. One would've thought that there had been even a mentioning in event news or something. -__-