Usually the boyfriend is some kind of super man, throwing people around, floating in air, shooting thousands people without being shot himself, hitting the guy so hard that he will bounce of the floor and etceteraI DONT UNDERSTAND HOW STUPID INDIAN MOVIES CAN GET
same story girl meets boy they fall in love they end up on a field with beautiful flowers the sky is all clear till it starts raining the sky was crystal clear no cloud in sight and still its raining,they run towards each other the girls boobs start bouncing,the dudes 70's hair starts bouncing around and then his boobs start bouncing,they run towards each other closer and than they run past each other and the girl thinks its fun to go play hide and seek behind a tree in the middle of the field and they start SINGING AND NOT JUST NORMAL SINGING SCREAMING SINGING.AND IT ENDS AS THE GUY GETS SHOT IN THE @SS BY THE GIRLS FAMILY CUZ THEY CANT BE TOGETHER AND THE DUDE DIES.THE END -_-
Usually the boyfriend is some kind of super man, throwing people around, floating in air, shooting thousands people without being shot himself, hitting the guy so hard that he will bounce of the floor and etcetera
actually thats a hindi action masala flick.i was talking about a typical love story.Usually the boyfriend is some kind of super man, throwing people around, floating in air, shooting thousands people without being shot himself, hitting the guy so hard that he will bounce of the floor and etcetera
yup thats how it actually is lolOh my, yes.
You're scenario will never see the light because it's too good to be true.Hmm, DmC threads are kept getting locked down due to being either excessive out-of-topic posts or fights between DmC supporters and DmC haters. Is it so hard for one side to accept the another's side opinion and thoughts about DmC? If the thread posts goes like this:
"I hate DmC, because the new Dante sucks. I still prefer the old Dante because he is more stylish and cooler." said Member A.
"Oh, I see. That's fine, because that is your opinion. I am still going to play it because I am going to give a chance to Ninja Theory to make a good action game." said Member B.
"I see. Let's leave it at that and allow us to play games what we like best, no?" said Member A.
"Indeed." said Member B.
I'm sure everything will goes well without any threads being locked down, except for posting at old threads.