the sonic gene? i've heard of it... the mario gene makes you a plumberjk (i think it's called the sonic gene)
I think I'm gonna get a mug of milk and a twirl bar... then I'm gonna make a new da id
The sonic hedgehog gene, it's called. It apparently is what gives your body it's defined structure, amount of limbs and blah blah. How that relates to Sonic the Hedgehog I've no clue, but apparently at least one scientist was the awesome kind of nerd.
You found that fact where?
That it was named after Sonic the Hedgehog or just the fact that it exists in general? Because if you mean the latter, then it was in my biology book.
The first?
And that last part about giving the majority of the scientists the middle finger.
Sonic hedgehog is, in fact, named after the character from the popular Sega Genesis video game. The original hedgehog gene was found in Drosophila and was named for the appearance of the mutant phenotype which causes an embryo to be covered with pointy denticles resembling a hedgehog. The first two homologues of hedgehog were named after species of hedgehog and the third was named after the video game character (Gilbert, 2000).
I really haven't the mood or the want to deal with a pointless discussion like this right now. Please, get at my throat some other time.