The strange thoughts are back. T]hey say that I must blow up a house.^_^ I think that I will listen this time. NOT!

Ebony;224300 said:****daydreaming****
Better than facing reality!
Ebony;224300 said:****daydreaming****
Better than facing reality!
DreadnoughtDT;224340 said:I don't care what anyone says, Kingdom Hearts is not a Final Fantasy clone. It's much better than that, and it has a pretty engaging storyline and characters. You gotta get past the fact that it has Disney in it. Then you're set. It's a great game with music that rivals Final Fantasy, and it has FF characters. But not anymore. Good thing, too. Keep it original.
DreadnoughtDT;224340 said:I don't care what anyone says, Kingdom Hearts is not a Final Fantasy clone. It's much better than that, and it has a pretty engaging storyline and characters. You gotta get past the fact that it has Disney in it. Then you're set. It's a great game with music that rivals Final Fantasy, and it has FF characters. But not anymore. Good thing, too. Keep it original.
aka958;224354 said:Bleh... Don't agree. Kingdom Hearts were unoriginal from the start. It destroyed personalities of FF characters putting them as low as ****ing disney characters. Sora is pretty much a rip-off from every other FF character. I remember a scene where Sora were kinda just floating in the water pretty much exactly as Tidus did when he first got to besaid.
Now Disney kinda owns it all, Tetsuya really loves it and wanted characters from it to Dissidia but Disney was all "No, no, they are ours, not yours", thank god, the first thing Disney does right!
Kingdom Hearts will never be original, it will still be that ripoff it has always been. Because Kingdom Hearts ORIGINAL game weren't even original, not it's sequel either.
It's music is pretty much fail all over too, only a few (those ripped from FF and some of the awesome songs from Disney, yupp, looking at you haloween town, awesome music) actually are good. They even made Sephiroth a wuss, they made Seifer a ****y little kid with a foam bat, they changed Squalls name. They did a whole lot of things.
In my eyes, it will always be the biggest ****ing ripoff and disappointment ever created.
You can like it all you want, but it will never be original.