Not really. I like the way I am and I don't regret a single mistake I've made because even if I could have gone back and fixed them then I wouldn't have learned anything. In fact I would have just made different mistakes instead. I like this lyric by, you guessed it, Christina Perri;Hope it's worth it Shadow.
Does anyone ever wonder if they're life, or how they are, would be different if key points in your life changed or didn't happen at all? Such as someone telling you something never happening? Or maybe never learning something you see as valuable? I don't know, maybe it's just me.
(It makes us who we are).They're things we carry
with us - the things that make us
who we are. If we lost them, we
lose ourselves. I don't want my
pain taken away. I need my pain.
@Roselia: Oh, I'm just trying to figure out my newest muse. It's of those beings writers and artists have to help them feel inspired? *not entirely sure what you meant* I just know there's an unfamiliar muse amoungst mine throwing really good plot bunnies at me.
Mum is mad. *hides* Ooh, found a beanie pattern for while I hide.... *crochets as she hides under the couch*