What Are You Thinking?

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Ever seen people who deny to think and doesn't try to find a solution?
Those that just sits there in a corner and cries over how miserable their life is when in fact all they have is puny problems that could easily be dealt with?
Like, those people who never tries to help themselves but always complain?

How the f*ck do you help a person that doesn't want to help themselves?
Ever seen people who deny to think and doesn't try to find a solution?
Those that just sits there in a corner and cries over how miserable their life is when in fact all they have is puny problems that could easily be dealt with?
Like, those people who never tries to help themselves but always complain?

How the f*ck do you help a person that doesn't want to help themselves?

Well, in fact you can't say 'puny problems that could easily be dealt with'
Cuz everyone isn't as 'strong' as some other.
And those who might think that fall on that little stone hurts as f***!.. The other said it didn't almost feel anything. And theres also those ppl who think they know eveything about others pain and blaablaa blaa whatever.. And if they don't wanna let anyone help.. then DON'T. is it really that hard?
It's alos like that someppl use old things and bring it back up just becuz.
Thats how i see it..
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How the f*ck do you help a person that doesn't want to help themselves?
Easy answer: you DON'T.

CT...I miss my writing buddies. You have no idea. I can't wait to heal up so I can get back online proper. Also, Dante was all hot air. So chuffed he lost, nothing better than seeing an Ego get pricked. Rooting for Robert, since day one. Mark has to get a life. I hope Jamal takes him out. But definitely Robert to take the title. Can't WAIT for Friday =)

I got downstairs! Without passing out! And now I can use
Because my phone won't let me!!! :D
And do a couple of important things on here. You know... this, and that, and definitely that. And then I'm outta here, cos this headache is not doing me any favours.

...If I don't show my face here again in the next week, I probably passed out on my way back upstairs and broke my neck and am back in hospital.

...hospital. *RAGE-FACE* &%$#^ HAAAATE hospitals and their damn needles!!!
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CT...I miss my writing buddies. You have no idea. I can't wait to heal up so I can get back online proper.

...I miss you. *just thought she should get that on the table* So does Marcus...I thikn that's why we've written five chapters of Fear Itself lately. >_> Also.... D: I hope you don't pass out and break your arm! *frets*

Thought stuff:
Okay...it's decided. Next November...I'm aiming for 100,000 words. You won, muses... :S *scared now*
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Easy answer for the simple question. Add sympathy and the fact that the person in question is a friend. Automatically I try to help. .-.

But some people don't want help. It doesn't matter if it's a friend, family, or a stranger on the street. If they don't want help, they won't accept it no matter what you do. It's best just to let them figure things out for themselves, and, if they ask for you opinion, offer it in the kindest manner you can. How ever...if we're talking suicidal tendancies here...then...I dunno. I've never known someone who was considering suicide...though most of my family is from the I-don't-want-your-help-I-didn't-ask-for-your-help-GTFO mold, so.... *has experiance with trying to help people who don't want it*

Thinking that I hope everyone on the forums who's from London is alright given the rioting. I wish I could be there to help cleanup. Have the riots stopped yet? *hasn't been getting very good news on it*
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God this country's in a right state at the moment, to be fair though I fully expected riots like this to happen eventually. We all have our breaking point, I'm surprised it went this long before the population had collectively had enough of having their faces stomped on.
^ I'd agree but from the looks of it this has nothing to with protesting against anything now, and everything to do with kids grabbing an opportunity to steal or set fire to things. It's not even 'riots' any more, it's just criminal damage and activity.

Like this:


I'll be blunt: the police are outnumbered here and the thuggery and opportunism lurking under the surface has seen its chance to come out to play. The police haven't even been attempting to stop people openly stealing from broken-into shops. If this is how we demonstrate 'having enough' then we don't deserve anything. These 'rioters' are only going to make worse an already bad situation. I hope they send the army in, fight fire with fire, because the message that this is an acceptable way of demonstrating your frustration won't do the country or any of us any favours.

Don't get me wrong. I'm as grieved as the next person about the economy and my prospects. But this isn't the way forward. It's the way back and to have authority tighten its grip if it's got no choice in doing so to restore order. And I prefer order to hordes of hooded kids roaming the streets taking whatever they like.

This was going to happen sooner or later... or periodically, because our government isn't responsive to the public anyway and the public doesn't seem to know how to conduct a protest these days without someone breaking or setting fire to things. The government uses that then as an excuse to condemn and not listen and the situation gets no better.

I think the real root of our problems in this country is that the last 30 years have been spent encouraging greed and selfishness among people, to the point now where we have this 'disaffected youth' a so-called underclass, greedy and irresponsible (and unpunished) bankers, an overinflated housing market... and at the same time people are always ready to look other way as though it's not their problem or their fault, including the government. No social responsibility, no long-term goal, just short term personal gain. These 'riots' are one of many products of it.

Not everybody is uncaring of course, but compare social attitudes and senses of responsibility now with the British pre-WW2 inspiration of Cameron's "Big Society" and you're looking at a fantasy world of the past.
I got to Brigadier status on Counter-Snipe =) Next stop, General.

I hope my girlfriend isn't feeling too bad today with her sickness =/

I have to wash up and pack away. That I don't care about, but I would rather be writing >_>
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But some people don't want help. It doesn't matter if it's a friend, family, or a stranger on the street. If they don't want help, they won't accept it no matter what you do. It's best just to let them figure things out for themselves, and, if they ask for you opinion, offer it in the kindest manner you can. How ever...if we're talking suicidal tendancies here...then...I dunno. I've never known someone who was considering suicide...though most of my family is from the I-don't-want-your-help-I-didn't-ask-for-your-help-GTFO mold, so.... *has experiance with trying to help people who don't want it*

Thinking that I hope everyone on the forums who's from London is alright given the rioting. I wish I could be there to help cleanup. Have the riots stopped yet? *hasn't been getting very good news on it*

Why does everyone take it for granted that I meant they didn't want help from anyone?
In question I didn't mention it at all so why does people include it?
Why does everyone take it for granted that I meant they didn't want help from anyone?
In question I didn't mention it at all so why does people include it?

You said, "How the f*ck do you help a person that doesn't want to help themselves?" That tends to mean they don't want help from anyone, or that others can't help them. You simply can't help someone who's hasn't tried or won't try to help themselves. We include it because that's how people feel when they're in that bad of a place.
I will just say that there ARE people out there who want to be helped, but they A. don't get offered it. B. Too Scared to ask C.people have given up on them already and just don't care. D. They themselves have given up.

As for the rioting thing. Mum and I were out today, sat somewhere having our lunch when this group of youths/idiots, sat behind us and said, "wouldn't it be great if we could start a riot here?" They spoke about which shops they would loot and which ones they would torch. They just thought it looked like fun and it seemed a jolly good laugh. (We were in a Place called Truro.)
Basically, they know it's wrong, but they are just too stupid to see that it hurts other people.

And yet again, I agree with Lexy (a very wise lady).

The excuse is that these 'kids' have nothing worth living for... neither do I, but I don't go out looting shops.
Another thing on the news is, "Parents should make sure their kids are at home, not out looting." I think we've already established that they don't care, or else they wouldn't be letting their kids on the street.

CT: Right at this moment, I'd either rather live in Logan's Albion or Kain's Nosgoth.
You said, "How the f*ck do you help a person that doesn't want to help themselves?" That tends to mean they don't want help from anyone, or that others can't help them. You simply can't help someone who's hasn't tried or won't try to help themselves. We include it because that's how people feel when they're in that bad of a place.

Soz but I would've mentioned it then. Everything excluded in a text done properly should be confirmed as not part of it.
I wouldn't want to help someone who denies help from others as well.

I'm pretty sure you only take me for a f*cking fool or something like that. Thinking I wouldn't know that easy as hell situation you are talking about.

This person in question cries for help, but has no will to do anything for him/herself by him/herself. The person pretty much wants everything on a silver platter, and the frickin' humanism is making me want to help that person as it looks like the person needs it.

God damn it, people just love shoving words in my mouth. I've suddenly said that, and that, and take for granted that I can't think either. How cute!