Ever seen people who deny to think and doesn't try to find a solution?
Those that just sits there in a corner and cries over how miserable their life is when in fact all they have is puny problems that could easily be dealt with?
Like, those people who never tries to help themselves but always complain?
How the f*ck do you help a person that doesn't want to help themselves?
Easy answer: you DON'T.How the f*ck do you help a person that doesn't want to help themselves?
Have you watched the movie Paul? You'll get a kick out of it, I reconYou realize as soon as you bring religion into a debate, your argument becomes invalid, yes? I have nothing against a person being religious, but in a scientific debate, keep that **** out, kthxbai
CT...I miss my writing buddies. You have no idea. I can't wait to heal up so I can get back online proper.
Easy answer: you DON'T.
Easy answer for the simple question. Add sympathy and the fact that the person in question is a friend. Automatically I try to help. .-.
No, I haven't. I've been meaning to, though.Have you watched the movie Paul? You'll get a kick out of it, I recon![]()
But some people don't want help. It doesn't matter if it's a friend, family, or a stranger on the street. If they don't want help, they won't accept it no matter what you do. It's best just to let them figure things out for themselves, and, if they ask for you opinion, offer it in the kindest manner you can. How ever...if we're talking suicidal tendancies here...then...I dunno. I've never known someone who was considering suicide...though most of my family is from the I-don't-want-your-help-I-didn't-ask-for-your-help-GTFO mold, so.... *has experiance with trying to help people who don't want it*
Thinking that I hope everyone on the forums who's from London is alright given the rioting. I wish I could be there to help cleanup. Have the riots stopped yet? *hasn't been getting very good news on it*
Why does everyone take it for granted that I meant they didn't want help from anyone?
In question I didn't mention it at all so why does people include it?
You said, "How the f*ck do you help a person that doesn't want to help themselves?" That tends to mean they don't want help from anyone, or that others can't help them. You simply can't help someone who's hasn't tried or won't try to help themselves. We include it because that's how people feel when they're in that bad of a place.