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What Are You Thinking?

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
I don't think they can make another good DMC game storywise it might be a fun game but IMO the story was officially over after the first three.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I don't think they can make another good DMC game storywise it might be a fun game but IMO the story was officially over after the first three.

Agreed. Nero was a fun guy to play as. But why they gave him more missions than Dante even though Dante had more complicated gameplay, I'll never understand.

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
Yess thanks DT glad you know what I mean the games may not be over they may still be fun but the story withered and died after three IMO.


This partys getting crazy
See ya'll later :)


Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
You say that like it's a bad thing your nice You can't just will a cold dark void where your heart should be you have to be born with it...like me.

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
I hate it when people say stuff is complicated because if it's not related to education it usually involves some form of drama or deep thought, more deep thought than education related complication.


Well-known Member
Gosh. All this talk of staff makes me want to give them all cookies. SO! Here you go guys;



Only 420 words allowed? Could do with a counter to say how many words I've got to delete.
Got to wash the car again. Can't believe how dirty it's got! It's not like I've driven in a field or something..
I need to start filling out that form now..


I've had a WTF? moment courtesy of Lady GaGa's Born This Way video. Think I'll just stick to listening to it....
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