Q: How many idiots does it take to start terrorism threats in america?
A: One a$$hole that decides to burn the Koran.
A: One a$$hole that decides to burn the Koran.
Let me guess: A hard-core, right winged Catholic nut? *eye roll* I really hate how ignorant my country can be at times.Q: How many idiots does it take to start terrorism threats in america?
A: One a$$hole that decides to burn the Koran.
Q: How many idiots does it take to start terrorism threats in america?
A: One a$$hole that decides to burn the Koran.
And that's why I don't bother with religion. Even if most of the people in it are sane and understanding, it's the vocal minority that makes everyone think otherwise. Ugh.
As i recall there is 'The church of the Jedi' (and actual star wars religion apparently)
We could always set up the 'Church of Sparda' just like DMC4.
I'd perfer to worship Dante.I've heard that there's about 390,000 jedi knights in england and wales alone. lol