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What Are You Thinking?


Well-known Member
^ Hate to break it to ya, but I'm not gonna be a gold supporter either.

CT: Oooh I hope not.


Entertain me.

oh wait i have a lifetime membership on projectego... it'd be nice if that transfered over.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Ebony;280247 said:
I'm on a bus.....
There's a old lady infront of me.....
She obviously dies her white hair dark.....
The white roots have created a little line/circle thing on her head.....
She reminds me of DINO.....
I don't know weather to laugh or cry.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

CT: Hah. There's a thread titled 'What a Moron'.
Ha ha ha. Only on DMC.org!


Well-known Member
Master Vergil;280305 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

CT: Hah. There's a thread titled 'What a Moron'.
Ha ha ha. Only on DMC.org!

*bows down* Thank you thank you! I try.

CT: Crap what was I just about to do?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I appreciate honesty.
If you can't be honest, don't talk to me.

I wish i could cry, but my severe dry eye won't let me. I've got one hell of a lump in my throat


Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.
A little glass vial?
A little glass vial!!
And the little glass vial goes into the gun like a--

Shut up! I'm trying to write....I don't need the random panting of scalpel sluts in the background ._.

Too much repo? Perhaps. But what can I say? It has Graverobber in it :3


Crazy Chick
@Tonks: Oh gosh, I remember having that song stuck in my head for 2 days @__@
Still need to watch the whole movie sometime.

Anyway, experiencing severe writers block. This is what I get for trying to make an idea for a video game. It just sounds like a hack-n'-slash version of MGS, genes and all.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Oh no, BD and Karen are both online. Shall we embarrass them by watching them exchange virtual smooches and cuddles? ;) Jk jk! Hehehehehe xD

I wrote four more pages for a fic that has no name and is not on my immediate priority list.
I need a leash to reign in my creativity. Not now, but soon. I'm venturing into yaoi waters. What's next? There's a line that should never be crossed, but my muse is most likely to stumble over the damn line before he sees it.

Mix. I'd like control back. And order.

And I'd like to be published and have a ginormous fanbase with millions of forums and websites all dedicated to me. But we can't all have what we want. :dry:


Dante: I need only three on my team, excluding myself.
Me: Three?
Dante: Yeah, the muscle, and the weapon.
Me: What about me?
Dante: You're the third.
Me: Duh. WHAT am I?
Dante: ...the last resort.
Me: You mean when all else fails, you send me in?
Dante: Yeah, to clean up all the crap.

That was an actual conversation, btw. I just used 'Dante' instead of his real name.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
The way I imagine him saying that makes me LOL.
I'm not sure whether to find that a good thing or a bad thing you find me being a jerk amusing.
You really shouldn't care.
What Daryl said.
Victor...you turned on me! D:
I did not.
You did. I saw.
You liar, Victor. ):<
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