Forgot what - your past?meg127;278754 said:>.>
I did it! It worked! YAAAY! Everyone forgot about it! :lol:
Devon K. Ryley;278879 said:Saying I'm ****ed would be the biggest under statment ever. Way to insult about 1/3 of the people on the site with that age comment, jerkwad. |:
Chaos Master;278881 said:I need a break from college. The new schedule is to tiring...
^Okay, what the hell is going on?
Storm Silves;278882 said:Oh, nothing but someone discriminating against everyone under seventeen in the DmC forums, that's all. He said and I quote:
"Yah take that established fan base. I have a feeling anyone who thinks new Dante is better than the old Dante has to be under 17. Now Capcom all will be forgiven if you make a sequel to God Hand (or better yet pass it on to Platinum Games), then I could care less what you do to Dante."
I'm fifteen, going on sixteen, and I've played these games since the first one came out. Way to generalize, dude. Not cool.
That, and according to someone who shall not be named, there's something wrong with my brain because I didn't like the old Dante and never have after DMC1.
Chaos Master;278885 said:Screw that age thingy. If you like that character, you like him/her. If you don't like that character, you don't like him/her. It is simple as that. It has nothing to do with people's age. It is your own personal liking or disliking.
Storm Silves;278886 said:Exactly! I also couldn't help but laugh when it's apparently blasphemy to not like the old Dante but like the new one instead. Someone said I was "cognitively dissonant". AKA, I have brain damage.