I don't know why everyone on here is getting so jumpy.
Please, stop being so noisy >.>
God my head hurts
Please, stop being so noisy >.>
God my head hurts

meg127;271568 said:^ Have some Advil ^_^
As for the jumpiness. I think everyone is just surprised. Although! Going on about it in a thread where he can easily see isn't very nice.
meg127;271572 said:@LoD-You're gonna tough it out? Good for you. I usually do the same.
He's to blunt sometimes, but does have his moments of coolness and good ideas. ^_^ Oh well. I'm willing to forgive and forget and give him a second chance. And I think ALL of us should. *major hint*
meg127;271577 said:Hurray for peace! ^_^ Let's all bake welcome back cupcakes for moses. :lol: