meg127;247507 said:I love the dancing guy in Tonk's sig.
Nicodemus Zamoran;247658 said:I am gonna rant now.
Damn!>_< Get off my back already. I know it is alot to pay for seeing if my leg wasn't broken. I didn't ask you to take me to the hospital. You were the one who said take me! i tore a ligament in my knee, and you want to yell at me about it. I didn't do it on purpose! Why the **** do you keep yelling at me about it? LEAVE ME ALONE! Seriously, leave me alone. I didn't ask for you to take me to the hospital. You were the ones who wanted to know so badly. Leave me alone about it already. As if you even know what I went through. Leave me the hell alone! It was like, 3 months ago.
That is all for now.
On a side note...I am thinking that we should have a special thread just for Ranting and Venting...Maybe if it gets started, a mod or admin will sticky it.
aka958;247659 said:I think we have a thread for that. Just search around a little.
Nicodemus Zamoran;247661 said:It should have been stickied.
Nicodemus Zamoran;247671 said:Damn...They won't leave ma alone. I need to rant again....
Leave me the hell alone already! You say I shouldn't sit around all day, yet you complain when I don't, because I hurt myself. Leave me the hell alone already. I don't care what you think. I don't want to live here with you, yet you threaten to kick me out! You think I have nowhere to go, yet I really do. I do have somewhere to go. I have friends. I have really good friends who would allow me to live with them until I could get a stable job that will support me easily. You call me lazy, yet I TRY to work. I go up to the college to try to tutor, but NO ONE shows up! I do work around the house. I do your dishes, the ones that YOU used. I do your clothes, constantly. I clean your house for you! I clean up YOUR cat. It isn't my cat. He doesn't even like me! I don't care if you go "work". Don't call me lazy. I do alot around this house for YOU, and you complain about me sitting around doing "nothing" on the computer. Get a clue! I do more on this computer more than I do anything in real life! I talk with my friends alot. I try to write. I may not be successful on that, but at least I TRY! I have applied for jobs and I have filled out many, many applications on the computer, for college and jobs. I RP, which allow me to develope a certain character of mine for a future game! I do alot more than you think! You don't even know my personality. You think you do, but you don't. At all. You say you know me. You think you know me. GET THE HELL OFF MY BACK AND LEAVE ME ALONE!
Tonks;247789 said:-deep breath-
This calls for a celebration. Anyone care to join me in a dance?
Mutull;247817 said:I hate my parents.
You know what, Dad? There's nothing ****ing wrong with me! I hate how because I'm gay you treat me like I'm mentally ****ing unstable. I'm not, you ****ing asshole! I'm so sick and tired of your bull****! You have no ****ing right to treat me like you do, because I do a hell of a lot ****ing more around the house than you do! I take care of my siblings, I do the dishes and laundry, I mop and sweep and everything you don't! And just because I'm gay doesn't mean I want to **** little boys or my brothers. There's a difference between pedophilia, incest, and homosexuality. So go eat a fat one, ****er, and get the hell off of my back until you put down that damn beer bottle and help Mom and me around the damn house!
Oh, and Mom. You're NOT siding with him to sending me to some bible camp to help gay boys fix themselves. Because you know what I'm going to do if you send me there? ****. Their. Brains. Out. All of them. And for the love of GOD, divorce Dad's ass as soon as ****ing possible. I may hate you, but at least you don't threaten to kick me out of the house like he does. |:
Disturbed does not. Sing. Chop Suey. Brother.