Tonks;247248 said:
Up to 536 words!
Only 467 more to go....
I'm rootin for ya Tonks!
I think it's Thursday eve for most of you guys, so you got one more day!
*NOTE to self* It's Thursday for them, NOT for you.
I was so in keeping with everyone else's timezones that when I phoned to order pizza the other night, I asked them if it's free delivery on Tuesdays and the girl went 'yeah, Tuesdays are free', and I said 'Okay so why are you adding $7 delivery fee to my order?' 'Because free delivery is only on Tuesdays', 'But today is Tuesday!' 'Uh, no today is Wednesday' 'DOH!'>_<
Anyway! I've got my website up and running.
Am organising someone to do some pics of my originals for me at the moment.
*is dying to see said pics* Waaaaaaant!!!