Ah, found some writing prompts and going to do one now. But, I'm not sure if I want to use first person or third person POV. Guess I'll try out both to see which is better.
You know there is one thing that really bothers me about the Lord of The Rings and Hobbits movie.
Blood drawn out for my annual check-up. Cause of some issue with veins or something, I ended up with a needle in each of my arms at a time till it started to come out. The left one is okay, but the spot on the right arm kinda hurts and is more bruised. Well, at least that's behind me now.
Now that you mention it, I did lately start hearing "Power! Give me more power!" in my head on smallest of association.@Viper: I'm glad to hear that =) Maybe your arm is...changing? Have you felt yourself seeking power by any chance?...