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Spring cleaning is in full swing, got rid of some boxes and a small basket and a sack full of papers and other stupid stuff. I also freed a shelf in my closet to spread t-shirts more, but that will have to wait some other day. *drops dead*
So I got the copy of Bloodborne but won't be able to play until I get home. Lol But I decided to open it up and check out the little book, however the game didn't come with one.....it seems like a trend. I remember most of the little game books had some useful information. Like game controls, character information and something about the game itself. E.i how to save and use the inventory. But it seem they want to push all that in the game itself. ...sigh whatever. -.-
Getting ready to go to a job interview like:



Wish me luck.
Probably gonna stream DMC4 today at 4 pm Rome time. Is it okay for you guys, if you wanna follow me?

Have I missed it? Is there a link? *would like to watch*

Almost done with chappie! Almost done with chappie! C'mon, muses, we can do this!

Edit: Finally able to listen to my old streams and...my voice isn't as bad as I thought it was. >_> Just kinda weird.
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Personal Space, meet Jessica.

Jessica, meet Personal Space.

Now please, for the love of Cheetos, will you please become better acquainted with one another because if not I am going to start carrying a pair of scissors around with me and someone is going to get hurt...

(P.S - it won't be me)
1. WhatIF all the people who see colors normally were actually color blind, & the only ones who see colors as they are intended to be are animals.

2. WhatIF in TheWalkingDead they strapped musical instruments to a group of zombies & created the first Deadman marching band.

3. WhatIF what we call oxygen is actually water & water is actually oxygen.

4. WhatIF all the vehicles in the world was facing the same way & drove forward.
Would they actually be going somewhere or would it cause the earth to spin faster.

5. WhatIF when we're looking up at the stars it's not space we're looking at but a giant postcard.

That's too many What Ifs? for me to take these seriously. Although I personally believe number 5 to be true.
A friend and I are trying to get a live stream going where we'll stream some Left 4 Dead. If we get it up and running, does anyone want to come watch?
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I dislike that trend.
BS nonsense about saving paper, why not be honest & say you're expecting everyone to just look up instructions online.

Couldn't agree more! Not only that but those manuals really do come in handy when you notice there's no loo roll.

Yes but if any were serious or true how would we ever know lol.

Just think if what we believed as normal was actually abnormal.

So you're saying don't doubt things or accept everything we see or 'know' to be real and true? Kind of akin to The Matrix, which I love as a matter of fact. But that's neither here, nor there =P
@VampireWicked: Haha, lol A lot of things would beat that, I reckon xD

I do agree that we shouldn't live under the impression that we know the truth of things. And that having an open mind can be a good thing to have. But I was thinking on it alot recently that whole idea and it just had me thinking, if we question everything then when do we come to an understanding of the truth of something?
Just gotta go with your gut when you feel it makes sense.

Yes but then basically what we're saying here is reality or life is only really what we make it. Truths, values, beliefs simply adhere to our own feelings and opinions. This in a sense is the understanding or realisation that within the logic of your own mind, we are 'free' so to speak.