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Finished DMC4 so time to power up Dante in DMC3 before I tackle bloody palace...

*starts the game*
lalala, load game, load game... "no data"
What do you mean it's all empty?
*back at ps3 menu* No data for DMC1, DMC2, DMC3... only trophies remained!
My data... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!1!1!
See you in a few days, forums!

*waves cheerfully, but not enthusiastically*
Far right people fit the image of uneducated, ill-spoken, poorly dressed, not much going for them, thugs. That documentary I just saw was full of them. It's like those KKK weirdos in America who are the hillbilly equivalent. So much anger because they messed up their lives and want someone to blame.

Surely there's one person in these groups who can speak properly and make sense? :laugh: They don't even know much about what they're angry about. They're just angry people for the sake of being angry.
Far right people fit the image of uneducated, ill-spoken, poorly dressed, not much going for them, thugs. That documentary I just saw was full of them. It's like those KKK weirdos in America who are the hillbilly equivalent. So much anger because they messed up their lives and want someone to blame.

Surely there's one person in these groups who can speak properly and make sense? :laugh: They don't even know much about what they're angry about. They're just angry people for the sake of being angry.
Speaking of the KKK, I have a story.

I saw a sign one day for a KKK meeting going on in town a while back. I sh!t you not, that sign said they would specifically have freshly baked cookies. It read like the tone that would be taken by someone's sweet old grandma, sweet, old racist grandma. O_o

Speaking of the KKK, I have a story.

I saw a sign one day for a KKK meeting going on in town a while back. I sh!t you not, that sign said they would specifically have freshly baked cookies. It read like the tone that would be taken by someone's sweet old grandma, sweet, old racist grandma. O_o

Cookies? Are they trying to bribe children into joining while they are young and impressionable? :laugh:

I just don't understand groups like KKK....I don't think KKK even undertsand KKK. Sometimes they fight themselves when they have no one outside the group to hate.
Cookies? Are they trying to bribe children into joining while they are young and impressionable? :laugh:

I just don't understand groups like KKK....I don't think KKK even undertsand KKK. Sometimes they fight themselves when they have no one outside the group to hate.

Wait until we're all tan from the "inter-racial breeding". Then they'll be extinguished like the weak flame of a candle.

Can't be a KKK when everyone's a little bit of everything now, can there?

Is it bad that I find sadistic delight in their downfall? I mean, who the hell are they kidding, anyway? I don't think there's a single person in the States, Canada, or Britain that isn't mixed blood. :cautious:
Cookies? Are they trying to bribe children into joining while they are young and impressionable? :laugh:

I just don't understand groups like KKK....I don't think KKK even undertsand KKK. Sometimes they fight themselves when they have no one outside the group to hate.

Yea, they are pretty stupid, but at least they're not as extreme as they use to be. Let them just stir in their own pile of ignorance, stupidity, and cookies. As long as it's away from the rest of us.
Wait until we're all tan from the "inter-racial breeding". Then they'll be extinguished like the weak flame of a candle.

Can't be a KKK when everyone's a little bit of everything now, can there?

Is it bad that I find sadistic delight in their downfall? I mean, who the hell are they kidding, anyway? I don't think there's a single person in the States, Canada, or Britain that isn't mixed blood. :cautious:
Thing is, we're already all of mixed descent. There really is no one alive on Earth that is one, pure ethnicity.

I'm a half breed. My dad was white, and my mom native American. I definitely take more from my mom's side of the family though when you look at me. My brother, definitely more on my dad's side.
Dante, a Muppet hunter

Miss Piggy as Nevan
Gonzo as Jester
Statler and Waldorf as Agni and Rudra

(I can't figure out the rest of the cast, lol)

Oh yeah, and... Kermit the frog as the Legendary dark knight Sparda
That...was a very brief, yet bizarre dream. :cautious:

What I managed to accomplish yesterday? I want to do that (or better), today.

Oh! Must jot that down before I lose it--it'll tie up that potential plot hole.

Coffee...you and I are going to be on very friendly terms, today.
While I did have to switch back to easy setting (damn that three-headed mutt), I seem to be getting better as it seemed... easier. Well okay, I did use trickster style this time as opposed to swordmaster, but that can't be it as I kept forgetting to actually use it save for the last fight with Vergil. :blush:
Glycine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, alanine, they all are aliphatic, so you will not see a ring!
The lone human amino acid with one is proline. From protein we are formed!
With two hydroxyl groups you'll find serine and threonine. For sulfur, look to cysteine or to methionine!
For bases, you have arginine, lysine, and histidine. From protein we are formed! (Now the aromatics!)
Tryptophan and tyrosine and phenylalanine! Aspartic and glutamic are both acids as we've seen.
For amides, see asparagine and also glutamine. From protein we are formed!