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stop ****ing off everyone youtube you really suck, i think i used to think this used to be America. - Rucka Rucka Ali - suspended.
So I could just check 'Poser' (which is pretty much the same thing, but more 'complicated') and they wouldn't care...?
:cool: Cool... looks like I've got some uploading to do :happy:

Yeah, I reckon so. The only thing you need to take care with is the filter tags, anything else... I think it's cool. I use MS 4 & 5 constantly... there's no box for that.
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Seeing Jake playing in the sand today was worth the beating he gave me earlier in the morning at hospital. He's like a different child when he's calm and outside.
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I'm thinking my lower back hates me...

Goddamn sciatic nerve. -_- You've given me nothing but trouble, lately.

I wonder if weight gain can make the problem worse? Probably...
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I'm thinking my lower back hates me...

Goddamn sciatic nerve. -_- You've given me nothing but trouble, lately.

I wonder if weight gain can make the problem worse? Probably...
Gah, sciatica. HATE that sort of pain. I used to get it a lot and the worst was when it would kick in at random on the stairs when I was on my way to the bathroom. I would literally be stuck in place with the pain and it was just horrible.

I'm very heavy (read: fat) so my back takes a lot of punishment - but if it's sciatic, it won't necessarily be weight-related in terms of pain. You can be whippet-thin and still suffer. You been given any physio exercises for it? Or any medication?
I'm very heavy (read: fat) so my back takes a lot of punishment - but if it's sciatic, it won't necessarily be weight-related in terms of pain. You can be whippet-thin and still suffer. You been given any physio exercises for it? Or any medication?
It can happen to anyone and it certainly doesn't have to have anything to do with weight. My back gets these really painful twinges out of the blue. It's been happening ever since I slipped carrying a heavy box and strained my back. Pain killers usually do the trick for me.

thinking: Just checked out the new lush range for Easter on their website. I'll have to a get a few of the Easter bombs and give them to my friends as Easter gifts. They're just too pretty not to buy.
Thinking: Why I've become obsessed with character sprites.....
Another awesome DMC sprite:
I'm thinking my lower back hates me...

Goddamn sciatic nerve. -_- You've given me nothing but trouble, lately.

I wonder if weight gain can make the problem worse? Probably...

My mum was stuck in bed with it for a week, but I seem to remember that she had a lot of back pain when I was a kid.

I get pain in my lower back too, especially when I walk.

Thinking: Why I've become obsessed with character sprites.....
Another awesome DMC sprite:

I got that way over sprites about 10 years ago... for me, it's an obsession that comes and goes (just like with chibi's).

CT: Nude models... I could create all manner of 'evilness'... :laugh:... but first... I need to tidy up!:shifty:
At least I got that third page started on my blog :happy:

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Gah, sciatica. HATE that sort of pain. I used to get it a lot and the worst was when it would kick in at random on the stairs when I was on my way to the bathroom. I would literally be stuck in place with the pain and it was just horrible.

I'm very heavy (read: fat) so my back takes a lot of punishment - but if it's sciatic, it won't necessarily be weight-related in terms of pain. You can be whippet-thin and still suffer. You been given any physio exercises for it? Or any medication?

D: Oh god, that must have been hell! Pain and a full bladder at once-not a fun combo.

And nope, haven't bothered going to the doctor over it; though honestly, I should consider it. I take advil when it becomes unbearable, but I really shy away from heavier stuff (though on two occasions I took a couple of T3s that were left over from my husband's stash, after he had an operation; they did nicely...a little too nicely).

Come to think of it, I didn't start having sciatica problems until about halfway through my pregnancy with my daughter; at that time, the pain was on the right side, and during labour, switched to the left.

I've been dealing with it sporadically ever since, nearly six years later-and 95% of the time, it's the left.

Is it possible I became more susceptible to it because of that? O_O (Also, it likes to flare up during "that time", as well).
Holy crap, I've thought of something that I WOULD actually like to see a remake/reboot of. The Star Wars Prequels. Even Michael Bay or Paul Anderson couldn't screw those up any more than they already have been. Nobody could, it's not possible.

Or it could just be these cold meds affecting my brain and I don't want a remake at all. Ever.

Can't trust this Benylin...
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:woot:... I love it when cats do that... did he just kill it or did he have a 'nibble' too?
I was so proud of Tilly when she killed her first spider... and then she ate it... :vomit:
Anything bigger than her paw she'll kill, but she'll leave it for someone else to pick up (one day she left a 'corpse' outside my bedroom door. She put it there. I think it was meant to be a present :laugh:...:vomit:).

It's sweet of them, isn't it? X3 He batted at it a bunch. A few months back he ate half a cricket, so...kinda glad he didn't eat the moth. >_>
o_o Oi. Does she do that often?
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CT: google you scare me sometimes. i think of something and i type the first letter and you just show me what i am thinking about as if you are reading my mind
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D: Oh god, that must have been hell! Pain and a full bladder at once-not a fun combo.

And nope, haven't bothered going to the doctor over it; though honestly, I should consider it. I take advil when it becomes unbearable, but I really shy away from heavier stuff (though on two occasions I took a couple of T3s that were left over from my husband's stash, after he had an operation; they did nicely...a little too nicely).

Come to think of it, I didn't start having sciatica problems until about halfway through my pregnancy with my daughter; at that time, the pain was on the right side, and during labour, switched to the left.

I've been dealing with it sporadically ever since, nearly six years later-and 95% of the time, it's the left.

Is it possible I became more susceptible to it because of that? O_O (Also, it likes to flare up during "that time", as well).
I never suffered with it until my first pregnancy - and it was unbearable, all day and night, no warning when it would suddenly flare up or anything. Even now if I overdo it, it starts twinging and I have to stop and rest until everything settles down again. It's been just over 14 years for me since it started and whilst I'm not a doctor (and we should all be very grateful for that fact), I have not noticed it leave forever - just happens less and less often.

It's a tricky one to sort out pain-wise because it is a nerve as opposed to a muscle, so you are better off going to see the doctor and ask if there are any medications which allow you to function normally but also take the edge off. A bit of gentle physio can help and some guidance in terms of posture and sleeping positions can help enormously.
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It's sweet of them, isn't it? X3 He batted at it a bunch. A few months back he ate half a cricket, so...kinda glad he didn't eat the moth. >_>
o_o Oi. Does she do that often?

It is :3
He was probably saving the other half for later :P That's made me think, I haven't heard or seen a cricket around here for a few years.
Thankfully, no. It's great if she kills something (she'll normally kill something, get someone's attention and take them to it, so it can be 'flushed down the loo'), but it's not left as a present anymore.

Congrats on the 4 years :D

CT: Someone else has been selling someone else's art on eBay from Deviant art. I don't understand why this person didn't watermark their work. Surely, it's better to have a mark or writing over the picture than nothing...
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CT: Someone else has been selling someone else's art on eBay from Deviant art. I don't understand why this person didn't watermark their work. Surely, it's better to have a mark or writing over the picture than nothing...

Maybe they did but the person selling it removed the mark? it's what happened with that Vergil picture of mine...

Some people don't actually care that others are selling the work or don't think anyone will steal it. Some people don't even sign it. Which is weird. It's sort of... something everyone learns to do after they finished a pic, draw your initials on it in the corner or whatever. Pic feels incomplete without...
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Thinking: Why are there documentaries that still cling to this ridiculous notion that Masons worship the devil and participate in ritual killings?:facepalm: Then there's that silly theory that they're all lizard alien people secretly controlling humanity:tongue: It's just sensationalist rubbish.
Thinking: Why are there documentaries that still cling to this ridiculous notion that Masons worship the devil and participate in ritual killings?:facepalm: Then there's that silly theory that they're all lizard alien people secretly controlling humanity:tongue: It's just sensationalist rubbish.

I always get a kick out of how these same people, who constantly harp about ancient civilizations/religions doing ritualistic sacrifices, ignore the fact that their faith of choice did the exact same crap; they seem to also forget that all spiritualities/religions evolve with the times in order to prevent stagnation...i.e. "don't do that sh*t anymore".

Willful ignorance is ugly.
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