I just had to reread the Haunted Majora's Mask game story didn't I? Every time I close my eyes I see "BEN!"
I'm think next cosplay show what should I choose to cosplay.The two other forums I'm apart of had this, so what the hell? Why not have it here, too?
I'm thinking you lot need to post more. I'm bored without anything to reply to.
Just saw The Dark Knight Rises. It was AWE-SOME!!! It's also bad for my mental health, cuz then I start thinking it would be totally cool to be Batman and go around kicking a--*clears throat* I mean, beating up the bad guys. >_>
Still not crazy about the Catwoman outfit, though...even if her shoes were cool. >_>
I had mixed feelings about the movie. I jus felt there could have been a bit more action between bane and batman. But my fav part is the bike chase , music building up, lights go out and the police guy goes "You are in for a show tonight son". Ha, that was epic.
Haha, that was awesome. XD To be honest...it would have been nice to see more of a fight between Bane and Batman. I guess they didn't do it because they felt it would be too much fighting and not enough plot? Though...there was an almost over-abundance of plot. >_> I didn't like Bane's voice, though. I mean...you got this big, muscular, scary-looking dude...with a voice my mum compared to Alfred's run through a synthesizer. :/ *was happy to see Crane again, though* I hope they do more movies in the series.... *wants to see Harley Quinn in a movie*
Someone compared Bane's voice to that of a "prank caller" and now I can't unhear it. XD