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I just bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Shadows of the Damned for under $25 bucks. I may get them a lot later than everyone, but it's at a price I am happy to splurge on. This whole $60-for-one-game-thing is killin' me.
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I'm thinking about the movie i just watched and i'm mind blown. I'm also thinking about when I'm gonna launch my rp blog on tumblr??
Unreal behaviour. And you say they are parents ?

Aye. As a former teenage parent, I can say hand on heart that I personally did not behave like that and neither did any of the other teen parents I knew. But just because you have children it doesn't mean you are necessarily wise and mature - it just means you're fertile. The UK has a shockingly-high rate of teen pregnancy and unfortunately, there are those who give the rest a very bad name and not only take on the stereotype portrayed by the media but actually live it out like it's a matter of pride. It was the little lad they had with them that I felt sorry for - he started acting up as soon as things kicked off and got yelled at for it...I just looked very firmly in the opposite direction until it was all over and then tried not to catch the eye of the woman ahead of me, tutting and shaking her head. That sort of thing just makes an already volatile situation worse...
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Aye. As a former teenage parent, I can say hand on heart that I personally did not behave like that and neither did any of the other teen parents I knew. But just because you have children it doesn't mean you are necessarily wise and mature - it just means you're fertile. The UK has a shockingly-high rate of teen pregnancy and unfortunately, there are those who give the rest a very bad name and not only take on the stereotype portrayed by the media but actually live it out like it's a matter of pride. It was the little lad they had with them that I felt sorry for - he started acting up as soon as things kicked off and got yelled at for it...I just looked very firmly in the opposite direction until it was all over and then tried not to catch the eye of the woman ahead of me, tutting and shaking her head. That sort of thing just makes an already volatile situation worse...
Yeah, i am aware but thanks for telling me incase i wasn't.
Anyway Some people just don't know meaning of behaving respectful.

For some reason i wanted to share this anime scene with you, it has some relevance to what your talking about i.e behaving properly. You may not understand the context full but just understand the black guy with white shell is a hollow (evil spirit), while the black haired guy is a shinigami. Shinigami's job is to kill hollows (actually they dont really die but thats another story).

Watch from where video starts til 7:14 - then the scene is over

Quite profound scene :P One of my favourite in this anime.
Aye. As a former teenage parent, I can say hand on heart that I personally did not behave like that and neither did any of the other teen parents I knew. But just because you have children it doesn't mean you are necessarily wise and mature - it just means you're fertile. The UK has a shockingly-high rate of teen pregnancy and unfortunately, there are those who give the rest a very bad name and not only take on the stereotype portrayed by the media but actually live it out like it's a matter of pride. It was the little lad they had with them that I felt sorry for - he started acting up as soon as things kicked off and got yelled at for it...I just looked very firmly in the opposite direction until it was all over and then tried not to catch the eye of the woman ahead of me, tutting and shaking her head. That sort of thing just makes an already volatile situation worse...
Yep, there only has to be a few very badly behaved ones to give the whole lot a bad image. I've seen a few myself--adult and teenage parents-- smoking right by their children, getting drunk, dragging their children around, then screaming at them when the child or baby is obviously tired and crying.

Don't now if it's a Birmingham thing, but I've seen similar altercations to the one you described...I don't know why these people do this kind of thing. I was in the Bullring at one of the baby stores, looking for a friend, when this woman with a small child walked in and demanded about £200 straight from the till. She made up some story, using her child for pity, and was told repeatedly that they do not keep large sums of money in the till. She then threatened throw displays on the floor and to kick the staff. When that didn't work, she said they were being racist because she was black...that poor child, having a screaming mother like that. In the end she was taken away by security.

Also got to agree that having children does not always make someone grow up. One woman just dumped her child in a supermarket and walked off leaving the child to cry, wondering where her Mum went. So I took the child to the mother, and she said that her child 'deserved it' because she had been 'gettn' on me nerves'.:O

Then there was a girl I know from school, barely got any GCSEs, came from a huge family, and then as soon as this girl could, she popped out children with different men thinking the men would love her for having babies, but they left. Then she kept applying for bigger council housing....and got it...and she was proud about it, announcing it on facebook, like being feckless is a good thing. I feel so sorry for her children being used like that.
But I've seen some really good younger mothers too, who are really in tune with their baby/ child and do the best they can for them.

Its cases like these when I wonder if people should pass a test to be allowed to have children if they're just going to use their children for council housing, scream at them and hurt them. But then, that would be a violation of human rights...shame no one considers the human rights of the child...
Don't now if it's a Birmingham thing

The bigger the city, the higher the pregnancy rate it seems. More poverty, more struggling, more problems, more young people looking elsewhere for their self-esteem and ending up in trouble one way or another. I became a teen parent because I was stupid - plain and simple. Won't dress it up any other way. I'm very intelligent, have 10 GCSE's and 4 A Levels along with an IQ in the 140's and I still was stupid :P

I couldn't even cook for myself properly - not because my mother didn't try and teach me but because I simply didn't reckon on having to need that sort of thing any time soon. When I saw that girl yelling at the conductor on the train and then her kid I mostly felt sorry for her.
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