Zombies in games, zombies in movies. Well at least they didn't make a tv show about zombies. Oh wait..........America's Next Top Model.
*coughs* The Walking Dead.

I never can have enough sleep.
Zombies in games, zombies in movies. Well at least they didn't make a tv show about zombies. Oh wait..........America's Next Top Model.
Finished Shadow's OC!!!!! whoot!*is wondering what to do with the background... has an idea*
Ooh, hands are cold....
CT: I feel a rant coming on....
YAY! ^^ Now I need to keep up my end of the bargain. >_> *runs off to do so*
Pizza for dinner. :3 Let's rock!
+ Stilts won't stop chittering at the window. Is...something wrong with him? Like...in his brain? :blink:
I had pizza... Chicken and Sweetcorn... sadly, i could taste some gross herbs... which ruined it.
Tilly does the same... it's probably birds or another cat.
o_o Yum. I've never had corn on a pizza. Aww. =( Always sucks when that happens with pizza.
XD Probably. He's freaking out Sug, though.
It's alright, as long as it's not overcooked (then the corn turn into bullets and start shattering teeth :lol
ah... close the curtains...Sorry
dammit almost completed all hitman lists on saints row 2 but i'm having problems with alvan i can't get him to come out
no it's the dude with the pink t-shirt apparently i have to go to the abandoned drive-in theatre in the arena district and drink a couple of 40oz but i'm runnin around getting my character drunk and it ain't workin when i find this guy i'm going to repeatedly revive him and kill him >_<Is that the pirate dude?
no it's the dude with the pink t-shirt apparently i have to go to the abandoned drive-in theatre in the arena district and drink a couple of 40oz but i'm runnin around getting my character drunk and it ain't workin when i find this guy i'm going to repeatedly revive him and kill him >_<
i found a video on youtube >Ah. I don't remember if mum ever got him, tbh. @_@ Maybe it you restart the game it'll help? :S *hopes you get him*
Reflection maybe?YAY! ^^ Now I need to keep up my end of the bargain. >_> *runs off to do so*
Pizza for dinner. :3 Let's rock!
+ Stilts won't stop chittering at the window. Is...something wrong with him? Like...in his brain? :blink: