i liked cyrax and sub-zero'sGot any particular favorite X-Ray? I quite like Reptile's.
i liked cyrax and sub-zero'sGot any particular favorite X-Ray? I quite like Reptile's.
what happened*sigh* That's what happens when I share an opinion. Right. You all can just suck it then...
what happened
thinking: so many holes in prometheus, prometheus 2 better be good..... O_O finally a film i want to watch that isn't already out, i am somewhere in life XD
And TV has crap-all on. Blah.
i see vat you did there XD and happy birthdayHappy new year and happy birhtday to me! It's gonna be a good year, I can feel it in my groin. All good feelings come from the groin, remember that kids. ;P
i know but not enough to buy my sanity back XD
the only bit of sanity i had before the krypt creature scared meSanity? What sanity? :blink:
Thinking: I should really do some revision. I have exams soon.
Gah, exams. Love them.
Really. *Is a bit allergic to them*
I haven't run into hollowmen yet *is in Miremoor and has seen wisps... but still partying with hobbes*
So you have to get to Bowerstone before it's unlocked...interesting...
Well, it's probably an experience he won't forget.
*highfive* They're feeling better now, but they're getting tired really quickly.
That's what I've got *is worried i had a copy where they forgot the manual*