Hey! Hey! E3's in a few hours! *just realized* I hope we get that channel! <3
:O Oh noes! My bunny's like that, too...he's an escape artist. If the bottom of his cage moves slightly so he can get out, he hops out and chews through all the boxes in the room. >_< I hate having to chase him around the house to get him back in his cage. *thinks Bunnicula's waaaaay too fast for such a chubby little animal* Any chance you'll get another bunny?
That sounds like my hamsters. They had me chasing after them in the middle of the night a few times because they'd somehow ninja their way out of their cage.
And then I got a tank for them instead.
But for the most part they'd come onto my bed and nestle into my hair. Which was equally terrifying but thinking about it now, they must have really liked my head. Which is saying a lot because they loved to bite my hands so I thought they hated me.
Ct: I WANT A TURTLE!!! But not the red ears. I want a land turtle like that massive one we had at school. That thing was huge. And awesome. And I would have taken it home if I'd been able to lift it.
But I won't let my turtle outside by itself. We've got HUGE rats in the field, and when I say huge I mean like chihuahua sized rats with fat bellies. And I don't want them to eat my turtle.
I learned that from a book. Yeah! Whoda' thought a BOOK would teach me that rats can eat turtles?! :shifty:
"Gender guessing" software for pieces of writing. Lulz. It thinks I'm female in fiction 50% of the time, but male in my various forum posts. It thinks Hermann Hesse is a man, but that Vladimir Bartol is a woman. It also gets the gender of people on forums wrong a lot, and has no accounting for people who like to play with vocabulary.
Seems to think that anyone that uses the words myself, herself, himself, me, your, with, if... is more like to be a woman, and that words like below, around, above, with and many are used more by men. But from my experimenting with it, it's not very accurate.
Also, "the" and "a" are 'masculine' words to use? Lol.