Lady Vampyre Dancing in the moonlight Oct 2, 2011 67 3 4,600 32 Oct 12, 2011 #6,801 About to head to bed.
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,479 19,365 The Void Oct 12, 2011 #6,802 'watching road wars', posting, and putting stuff on DA
Lady Vampyre Dancing in the moonlight Oct 2, 2011 67 3 4,600 32 Oct 13, 2011 #6,803 Watching tv and listening to music
Elliot The future that we hold, is so unclear Oct 7, 2011 260 77 635 No where Oct 13, 2011 #6,804 I'm waiting... for better times and listen to music..
Lady Vampyre Dancing in the moonlight Oct 2, 2011 67 3 4,600 32 Oct 13, 2011 #6,805 Playing Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Elliot The future that we hold, is so unclear Oct 7, 2011 260 77 635 No where Oct 13, 2011 #6,806 I'm sitting in school... I'm sucha emo :3
Angel Is not rat, is hamster Admin Moderator Feb 24, 2007 7,137 10,138 21,625 UK Oct 13, 2011 #6,807 Trying to organise Jake's first assessment appointment...
Elliot The future that we hold, is so unclear Oct 7, 2011 260 77 635 No where Oct 13, 2011 #6,808 Yeeys! i'm in English class nooow :3 ..Swedish soon :3 Then math and i get to eaat! <3
Osaka trollololol Apr 27, 2010 1,239 126 1,240 Oct 13, 2011 #6,809 Watching some comedy clips on youtube, playing a few mind-numbing web games and feeling that little bit hungry.
Watching some comedy clips on youtube, playing a few mind-numbing web games and feeling that little bit hungry.
Elliot The future that we hold, is so unclear Oct 7, 2011 260 77 635 No where Oct 13, 2011 #6,810 Sitting on the floor front my friends..! :3 Hurraaay!<3
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,479 19,365 The Void Oct 13, 2011 #6,811 watching dad wind up tilly, "go for the face til!" posting and faffing around
Lady Vampyre Dancing in the moonlight Oct 2, 2011 67 3 4,600 32 Oct 14, 2011 #6,812 Just posting and watching youtube.
Elliot The future that we hold, is so unclear Oct 7, 2011 260 77 635 No where Oct 14, 2011 #6,813 Sitting with my friends! It's friday friday!
Dark Drakan Well-known Member Admin Moderator Mar 4, 2007 9,682 6,821 22,475 39 Staffordshire England Twitter DarkDrakan Oct 14, 2011 #6,814 At work, suns just coming up but still quite dark outside and fairly cold. Done a days work in the first hour pretty much and want to go home already.
At work, suns just coming up but still quite dark outside and fairly cold. Done a days work in the first hour pretty much and want to go home already.
Lady Vampyre Dancing in the moonlight Oct 2, 2011 67 3 4,600 32 Oct 14, 2011 #6,815 Watching tv and listening to music
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,479 19,365 The Void Oct 14, 2011 #6,816 watching tv, posting and planning a new picture
Lady Vampyre Dancing in the moonlight Oct 2, 2011 67 3 4,600 32 Oct 15, 2011 #6,817 Watching Robot Chicken
V Oldschool DMC fan Feb 10, 2010 4,306 3,616 11,165 Oct 15, 2011 #6,818 Slightly hung over... I remember talk of many things, some of it embarrassing
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,479 19,365 The Void Oct 15, 2011 #6,819 reading posts and checking out deviant art also watching casualty... wow, I've never seen an asthma attack so over acted.
reading posts and checking out deviant art also watching casualty... wow, I've never seen an asthma attack so over acted.
Laurence Barnes Still not dead. Just not really here any more. Premium Mar 15, 2010 7,682 1,561 9,265 Earth Oct 15, 2011 #6,820 the big bang theory whatching...........speak strangely i did