I'm sitting in a shopping centre trying to encourage people to get involved with projects I run at the museum I work in. My job is bizarre, I'm just sitting here people watching. Im bored! Thank god my phone can connect to the net in here.
Making lunch, getting us ready, and then we gotta run to catch the bus. 10 minutes to 12...aikona eish. I got to get some writing done tonight, seriously.
I'm making Signatures, listening to music, wondering when I will actually be tired. Being a bit down and stuff, because my GF starts College again later on today, meaning less time to see her =[. Thank God the music is making me feel a little bit better xD :lol:
Listening to Christopher Hawkins READING Lady Gaga's Pokerface song. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And waiting to hear more about these earthquakes. So unprepared for this.
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