Yeah I do. It was bathing in oil so it cooked far too quick.
Luckily one of them didn't get overcooked! Yayz! ^_^
I'm actually cooking food... Chili con carne or fish sticks with rice? I think I'll go with the Chili con carne since I'm really bad at making sauce. >.<
Waiting for VD to come on. Gotta wait another 10 minutes.
Ian Somerhalder still sucks piles at playing Damon. *will shoot anyone who suggests he play Dante* He totally butchered my Damon. BUTCHERED, I say! And no, not even his crazy dance with full view of his sexy abs make up for it. This is DAMON we're talking here. He's like Lestat's equal, Italian syle! The Craziest, most twisted, darkest and most hottest and mysterious vampire to come strutting into the literary world with his black eyes and charm. Ian does him no justice. NO JUSTICE!
...sorry, I've been playing DMC3. That's Jester's influence, me repeating things like that. many people just reread my justice sentence and heard Jester's voice in their heads? XDDD
Back to self-employment full-time. The state of never being able to finish work because it's always just there to do, a constant stream of tasks and hunting for more tasks. But a commissioned sculpture right off the bat is a good start...
Also, hungry. Don't work well if not fed. With so many things to do I need to organise... first things first, get my butt off the webnets.
^ I wish you don't hit a dead end and good luck with that.
Browsin forums and watching videos on youtube. Assassins creed is really next step to prince of persia(POP). I enjoyed POP but AC is really dynamic and very good.
Hate those guards...Wat the hell are they doin on rooftops anyways, Guarding the heavens?...Meh.
Well, the ever-angry atheists have only shown up once so far, which is something of a record on our boards. And the thread hasn't been locked yet - another record.
Now if people can remain civil, we might manage it :lol:
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