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FF7R reminds me of Jak 2. Maybe they could use that influence for a potential reboot?

Midgar's slums takes some getting used to. Air combat is automatic so it's also an a learning curve.

So far, it's nostalgic and charming.

Just fought Roche for the first time. Cloud met his first rival lol.

Reno is tougher than I thought.
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Sonic Frontiers - I beat Wyvern, finishing the second Super Sonic fight. I am starting notice how the open worlds gets limiting with the forced 2D sections. Sega, why are you copying Nier or Nier Automata? Apparently, there are more of these the further you get. Why Sega? I want to explore but I don't want to be locked on to rails to get certain spots or important destinations. There is still plenty of 3D movement, but it's one of those odd decisions only Sega would do. It's not a complete downer. The new attacks I've recently acquired I am loving right now. The atmospheric music for each island works and make me feel like I am in a Studio Ghibli film.
I'm hanging out with Aerith in FF7R and Nojima-san is giving the shippers massive content to play with.

Ff15's optional dialogue tree would've been useful here.

I wanted to spend more time as a merc lol. That aspect would've benefit from an open world structure.

I'm liking the remake approach so far and hoping other games pick up this trend like Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden and Kingdom Hearts. ;)
Hearts of Iron 4 as the US. 4 months into 1936 and Hitler's already been killed by the German military junta. I was planning on doing the real life US neutral plan until things got way too hairy, but it looks like I can start rolling out the plan to turn into a full blown Intelligence state, I guess.

Otherwise I've been playing SWTOR a little
Evil West (PS4) - This is what Gungrave GORE should have been. An arcade third person shooter with an extra emphasis on melee done right. I've made it to stage 5 so far and stopping for now. The game controls well, but there is some minor jank here and there. All your weapons work on a cooldown, and those can be upgraded for the cooldown to go by faster. Jesse has an electrified gauntlet that he can use for melee attacks, juggles, and even parry with his shield. Parrying is pretty forgiving and is even easier than both Norse GoW games. You can even yank enemies towards you, or pull yourself towards them.

I don't mind the level design. Exploration is simplified, but when climbing from one new area, it doesn't take long, nor are bogged down by walkie-talkie sections. I appreciate straight forward level design of --> battle --> linear or off beaten path for collectible/money --> minor puzzle --> rinse and repeat. Some people complained about this, but I don't have a problem. This an arcade style game, so it's more to the point, and not so grand epic Action-RPG. I will say that I don't care much for some of the relaxed in-between sections where you are just running around collecting money or lore dumps. They don't last super long, but they could have just been cut-scenes or axed altogether.

Lots of people like to compare West's combat to GoW4 & Rag, but its influences are RE4, God Hand, Anarchy Reigns, Wild 9, and Bulletstorm. People need to start looking back more often and play older titles for reference points. What Evil West has over the newer God of War games are dodge cancelling animation (a tactic used by many in a lot in actions games like GH) and faster paced combat. The game has some cool environmental hazards you can knock enemies into or shoot at.

I am playing this on base PS4, and the game runs smooth at a stable 30 FPS. I know there is a higher frame rate on PS4 Pro and PS5, but that does not bother me. There was one weird audio glitch I had during the 3rd stage during one combat section, but went away quick.

BTW, if you want to know how to level select. You continue your game, pause menu, then select the lore tab. Going to the tab will bring up all of the levels you have beaten so far or completed all of them. Just select, and there you go. A weird way of doing level select I have no idea why FWH did it this way. That's it for now, and I will post more later.
Finished Evil West on Normal mode.

It's great playing a game that is actually a game. No season passes. No dlc, other than pre-order/buy new skin code that comes with the game. No crafting. No forced competitive multiplayer. No long and forced walking sections. Just clear and simple arcade/over-the-top 3rd person shooting (with no cover mechanics; thank the Lord) that has emphasis on melee and a cool upgrade system. You get 16 chapters of this good ****.

My only complaint with the game is nearly all of the boss fights get way too much health, even on Normal. Which means playing on higher difficulties turns these into giant slogs. There are a total of 5 main bosses (the first boss pretty much becomes a standard enemy). The perk and upgrade system are cool, but it does that thing where if you want a specific and useful perk, you have to get the less powerful and spend a point to get to the better. Let me choose my new perk please. The weapon upgrades, don't have this issue. You can choose whatever upgrade you want as long as you have the cash available. There are some odd checkpoints too, but luckily, I didn't encounter a majority of them. Something everyone should know about still.

Evil West does have NG+ and I will play around with that later. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
Prodeus - Good old fashion, classic 90s fps style game with modern improvements. The game is basically Doom combined with Quake. A former Raven Software developer worked on this game. It's in the DNA!

I've only played the first two missions so far, but I love the sprawling level design and nonlinear flow. This is definitely my favorite first person shooter of the year. I don't do secret hunting much, but I will try to put more of an effort. Otherwise, I'm all about going forward and just having fun. The guns in this game have crazy alternate fires, and you can upgrade them.
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Persona 5

I got bored of the Hell House boss fight in FF7R. So I played the intro of P5.

I decided to name the P5 protagonist as "Akira Yoshida"
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Prodeus again. My problems with this game are the reload button (an old school shooter such as this shouldn't need reloading), and the Super Shotgun and Plasma Rifle have to be bought in a shop. Those weapons should just be given to you at a certain point in a later level, or found early enough in a secret area. The ore count is high for both weapons, and the game heavily favors gamers that are secret hunters. The price only gets higher for buying the double jump and dash. My other problem is that enemies can blend into the background. They should have more colors on them than just grey and some highlighted orange/red. Those alternate blue counterparts don't count and rarely ever show up so far. Otherwise, great game and I appreciate the level design and atmosphere. A lot of the lighting effects reminds me of Doom 64.

I got the double jump upgrade, and platforming is so much better now. This is an intentional design choice to encourage replay of earlier stages to find secrets and more ore. I am kind of mixed on this, I usually don't like this style of collectible or secret hunting. Games like DmC being a more obvious example. Old shooters like Doom and Quake didn't need to this for secrets, so it really doesn't feel like a throwback to them in this regard. The gameplay is still fun and opens up to larger and more complex level design. I like the design and atmosphere of the church level. Definitely got Quake vibes from it. The dynamic songs in a lot of these levels are wicked sick too.

I played a lot this evening and I am stopping for tonight. I got 10 ores and need 10 more to get the dash ability.
I just beat Prodeus tonight. The game has a really abrupt ending.More or less ends on a sequel hook of sorts. The final boss with mooks summoned in each phase with no checkpoints. I hate these kinds of fights, took me 4 tries, and I barely scarped by with 35pts of Health. I know there are community maps and such, but I felt the game was just getting started at its halfway point. I still recommend playing this game if you're into Doom 64, Quake, and many 90s era shooters.