Tying some suckers up on the rail road tracks in Red Dead ; )
wow, you're good. I kinda was to lazy to try and beat final difficulty. Final boss drags for far to long and isn't really well madei just got all the achievements for yaiba ninja gaiden z
a month back @Innsmouth said he heard it was the hardest in dumb difficulty
and id say dumb difficulty is a pretty accurate term
i had little problem beating the game on hard and nightmare difficulty but hell difficulty is just a unfair
just about ever physical attack in the game kills you in one shot
the enemy's don't become harder to fight its just every cheap shot they land results in instant death
that being said only 4 fight gave me trouble 2 being boss fights
the game is pretty short at about 4-5 hours depending on difficuty
and theres also an old school style bonus game you unlock after beating the game that'll take a few trys to beat
the writing has a lot of crude humor (i thought in was funny tho)
game play wise its way more god of war then it is ninja gaiden
still fun but its no ninja gaiden 2
id give it a 7/10 but i can definitely see why allot of NG fans don't like this one
no i guess i'll get ninja gaiden black now