Streets of Rage Remake V5 on my PC, Does anyone playing it?
Last night i had a 'royal arse-kicking' on UMVC3. So therefore, I'm going back to my 360 to lick my wounds lol
I cannot find that game for the life of me. I've even gotten the gaming stores looking for it; I'm thinking living on a small-time military base is the problem. :/ Lol.
Maybe the next time I visit back home, I'll hunt through EB for it.
Still working on Bayonetta, albeit slowly. Gaming in general hasn't been going on as much for me.
It is a real b*tch to find. On the Ps3, I pre-ordered it as soon as a release date was announced, then I think I found it on a site last year for the 360 (I was pretty lucky to had ordered it when I did, a few days later it was removed). I know Capcom have removed the dlc from live (so I assume they've done the same thing with psn), and that makes me wonder if the game is still being made or discontinued.
I have found it second hand, but the price has made my eyes water.
Would EB be Electronics Boutique? We used to have those in the UK, then they just disappeared.
Rebel Dynasty said:I was starting to think it was just me. ^^; I guess it's pretty hard to find in a lot of places, then. Still, I hope I can find it sometime this year.
And yup, EB is Electronic Boutique, alright.I don't see too many of them, though there were two back home, the last I checked. I wonder why they didn't do as well in the UK?