Peregrine Falcon
Arkham City, this game push your inside batman to the max.
Skyrim, not that I'm getting much time with it.
Jessica's swiped it right now...I'm sitting here with Josh asleep and I have nothing to do while Steve and Jessica are busy with Skyrim. Could my life be any more unfair?? /drama overload
I was stuck watching X-Factor which both me and Amy hate because Jack wanted to for some reason. Delayed because of technicial difficulties and it lasted over 2 hours!
You two are waaaay more accommodating as parents than I am. Steve and I barely get three minutes without a child of some description wanting something so when it comes to TV, it's our way or GTFOI was stuck watching X-Factor which both me and Amy hate because Jack wanted to for some reason. Delayed because of technicial difficulties and it lasted over 2 hours!
Skyrim. Forever and ever and ever and ever....