You responded to my posts. If you're going continue this, then do it on PM.
It's obvious now that you're doing this for the sake of an audience, nothing more.
And you never needed to reply, either.
You're accusing me of intentionally trying to mislead people, and now you're throwing out flippant accusations like confetti. I'll be damned if I'm not going to take issue with that, and anyone else who has a problem with your behaviour deserves to know it.
It's still an insult when YOU insult people, you know.
An addendum of the subject of DmC's reviews: I think that DmC is one of those games that tends to review well. It has a lot of superficial flash and approachable mechanics, and accessibility tends to be a crucial feature for mainstream reviewers. They do after all review with the everyman in mind rather than on behalf of those with esoteric tastes, especially when it comes to action games.
Can anyone think of a recent, non-strategy game with a high difficulty curve or obscure mechanics that got positive reviews across the board? I recall when the likes of Minecraft and Demon's Souls first hit the gaming press, and they weren't nearly as favourably regarded as they are now in retrospect.