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Was Devil May Cry 4 all that bad?


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
According to this video and what these guys Pokey, Aczie are talking about...it seems to me that Devil May Cry was really flawed in almost all of what it did...

If anyone's watched this video please don't hesitate to leave your own opinion too....

Anything you contribute to the forum can be helpful.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
The only part of DMC4 i was unimpressed by was the backtracking.

For me it is still the best combat wise gameplay wise and visually wise of the series.

Wasn't originally a fan of nero as a character but i grew to at least like him.

DMC4 and DMC1 are my joint top favorite games since the millenium followed by DMC3 and Ng2.

I don't think it was ever bad , it just like any game has flaws.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Well for me, Devil May Cry 4 is just boring.

I feel like you're running around a stationary world while killing the occasional demon. I know this isn't anything new in the Devil May Cry series, but DMC4 manages to make it mind-numbing dull. The enemies are too colorful and anime-like. The bosses are either too slow or try to move away from you so quickly. Their characters are too anime for my taste, and etc. etc.

But in terms of gameplay, DMC4 just seems so...dull to me. With Nero it's such a chore just to go through his crap gameplay when you only got one sword, one gun, and a devil arm used as a grappling hook and that's it. It just takes away any real interest in me when I'm just restricted to basically one powerful weapon and ability. Meanwhile Dante's gameplay is abundantly large, but...even with him it's still mind-numbing but in a different sense; Dante's gameplay is just too much for me to bother with. All the weapons, styles, and such put together was not only annoying to try and remember, but to pull off some of the attacks and weapons weren't worth my time at all.

Call me a noob player for complaining, but the reality is that why bother trying to get better at a game you don't even like?


Elite Hunter
Well, it has its problems indeed. Personally, I loved it, thanks to its visuals (almost everything that's artistic is impressive, I'm not only talking about graphics... though it helps the fact that it's one of the best looking games still today), music and sound design, acting (Reuben Langdon and Johnny Bosch rock! And if Vergil has his story in the SE, Dan Southworth will join the party too... hell yeah!), spectacular coreography (that Nero vs Dante fight, holy sh!t) and cinematic direction, and of course combat.
Damn, I love DMC4's combat. It's so deep and extensive, and encourages creativity like no other DMC game, with both Nero and Dante, I never get tired or bored by it. Heck, I've owned this game for years and still there are things I don't know about combat, and combos I haven't performed yet. XD ask @ef9 o shea he's teaching me stuff.

The only letdowns for me, the backtracking, the rehashed bosses and that big question mark that's Nero. I mean, I like the guy, but he has little to no background.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
ya i got sick of destiny after a while , farming in it becomes too tedious.

Agreed, I'm at level 27 now and it has become a complete pain in the arse to find new equipment to level up anymore, taking a hiatus from it for a while.


I don't think DMC4 was all that bad, it had the best gameplay in the series in my opinion, but tedious backtracking, bright/sunny level environments, and complete lack of unlockable costumes made the game a lot less that it could have been.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Loved gameplay, characters, bosses, visuals...and pretty mcuh everything. Considering that all DMCs featured backtracking starting from DMC1, it's fine for me.


Elite Hunter
Agreed, I'm at level 27 now and it has become a complete pain in the arse to find new equipment to level up anymore, taking a hiatus from it for a while.


I don't think DMC4 was all that bad, it had the best gameplay in the series in my opinion, but tedious backtracking, bright/sunny level environments, and complete lack of unlockable costumes made the game a lot less that it could have been.

Yeah I forgot to mention the lack of costumes. Though I liked the new environments a lot, that... how to call it... neo-religious theme. Very nice.
Don't get me wrong, I freaking love the gothic theme, I just like DMC4 style too.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
. Considering that all DMCs featured backtracking starting from DMC1, it's fine for me.

DMC2 didn't feature much backtracking if I remember correctly, but DMC4 backtracking felt a lot more tedious and lame since we finally got to play as Dante at the latter half of the game and instead of giving us something different as far as levels goes they simply have you backtrack through the entire game to get back to point a, felt so uninspiring and to put it frankly it was a letdown.

I still enjoyed the gameplay immensely, especially as Dante with his new style switching on the fly, but dat backtracking though kinda dampered it a bit.

Yeah I forgot to mention the lack of costumes. Though I liked the new environments a lot, that... how to call it... neo-religious theme. Very nice.
Don't get me wrong, I freaking love the gothic theme, I just like DMC4 style too.

Well I'm not saying the environment in DMC4 was bad, it was actually pretty darn beautiful and good looking, but did I think it fit with what I like in my DMC games?

Not at all, I like darker settings in my DMC games since DMC1 and although DMC2 and DMC3 where not as good environment wise in comparison to DMC1 they still kept the core environment dark which I liked.

Wish damte had his DMC2 costume in it actually

Would have been fantastic if It did, I miss that costume so much.:frown:

It gets no love from Capcom who only seems to favor DMC1 Dante's outfit.
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Fake Geek Girl.
The gameplay is fine and dandy, but it is the most disappointing in the series and really makes me angry because of how utterly lazy it is in design. I carry my hatred for DMC 4 mainly because it was something I truly ,and dearly wanted to love. I was so psyched for the first Devil May Cry on next gen consoles at the time.

And I felt like it just spat in my face.

People try to say that the previous games back tracked, but it's not the same. That was mainly just older video game design mechanics that had you traverse back and forth between different rooms in certain areas to find some items that will mate and give birth to progress. Sometimes usually as a way to get around technological limitations.

However, DMC 4 flat out just copies and paste the same exact areas in reverse order as if it was too much for them to just make 20 different levels. Especially when I also notice most of these things clearly were kinda designed around Nero. This is the work of absolute laziness and nothing more.

It's so artificially lengthened with this kind of stuff that it becomes very frustrating. Especially stupid crap like the Dice game that just comes in multiple times, with later encounters worse than before. Not to mention the still crappy camera angles that should have been addressed and abysmal forced pltforming sections. There's just some things in games that don't age well.

And my tolerance for older mechanics are usually higher than most because I'm definitely more of a retro gamer than anything. My N64, SNES, NES, PS2, etc. are still functioning fine and never collecting dust.

When all was said and done, I spent nearly all my time just smacking demons in Bloody Palace. I didn't want to replay that campaign.

And I ask you, people who do still enjoy DMC 4, do you also find yourself playing only select missions just because you don't want to go through again some of the poorly designed levels?

With Devil May Cry, I would go through the games in their entirety multiple times. DMC 1 and 3 I've completed with a number that's in the double digits. Hell, I even went through DMC 2 about two times at least! With 4, I just did not want to relive that abysmal campaign over and over again. I'd play maybe one or two of the missions, but mostly stick to Bloody Palace.

That's when I realized how much this game let me down. Putting aside the stupid new characters that literally offer nothing to this franchise, I could have still loved it if only it was still a good game overall to play. But I payed nearly $60 for just freaking Bloody Palace. Screw you Itsuno, screw you Capcom.


Elite Hunter
@ToCool74 that's fair enough.
I've heard many people saying that they preferred the DMC4 style over the old one, cause to them, it felt like if DMC was trying to be too much like the old Resident Evil games, which the series came from, thus not having its own "personality", style wise. What do you think about that?


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
DMC2 didn't feature much backtracking if I remember correctly, but DMC4 backtracking felt a lot more tedious and lame since we finally got to play as Dante at the latter half of the game and instead of giving us something different as far as levels goes they simply have you backtrack through the entire game to get back to point a, felt so uninspiring and to put it frankly it was a letdown.
Actually it did. DMC2 featured backtracking as well. If you ignore Lucia's part alone (which pretty much did what DMC4 did). You also have to reenter few areas as Dante as well. For example in one mission where you fight Phantom (or one before it, if to be exactly) is pretty much same level as first one.
Well I'm not saying the environment in DMC4 was bad, it was actually pretty darn beautiful and good looking, but did I think it fit with what I like in my DMC games?

Not at all, I like darker settings in my DMC games since DMC1 and although DMC2 and DMC3 where not as good environment wise in comparison to DMC1 they still kept the core environment dark which I liked.
I dunno. As long as there is gothic architecture in there, it feels like DMC game to me. All 2 DMCs (1,3,4) featured some sort of gothic castle in them. Its just in fist you basically only run around one location.
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