We need to clone you,bro.
You are more important than pandas.
Jk, I have many negative reasons about the new game too, which i pointed before. But that doesnt make me prejudice about the positives.
The hate started with white hair. In first debut trailer, every comment was about white hair.
Then it turns out Tameem, then emo dante, then worst gameplay ever, than terrible voice acting and then terrible demo.
I just dont believe you guys. To me you are just stubborn about this.
You think the world only turns around you.
No offense.
Adam Sessler did a good review. And who cares if he liked DMC2, it is his opinion.Do you know what reviews im talking about?
1- The fake review (which they didnt know it was fake) guy who didnt even played the game. He probably just read haters points and completely copied it into the review.
2- The guy who liked DMC 2 and gave a 4/5 while DMC4 and DmC got a 3/5. On the review he talked about nothing but dialogs.
Then the "supporters" should man up aswell and be able to take valid complains too.The haters should just man up already. They've done nothing but whine and moan for 3 years now FFS. Today they're upset because: "Oh my God the bad reviewers don't understand our pain!They don't like us! They think it's all about the hair!! etc..." Well, if they hadn't had the most ridiculous reaction in the history of video games for something as trivial as a character's hair color then maybe by now people would talk about their others "legitimate" complaints.
The problem is when you show people that you can get so worked up over such an insignificant matter then you can be sure nobody is gonna take you seriously afterwards and it's exactly what happened. Nobody wants to listen to them anymore because they just come off as a bunch of cry babies. You reap what you sow.
Also some people say that we should just ignore the haters which is kinda funny or even hypocritical because they sure don't ignore us! Hell, i came to this place just because i wanted to ignore them but as of late, even this site doesn't feel too safe anymore.
I think there is a board dedicated to each previous entry in the franchise so i don't understand why people who don't like this game and think DMC 4 or 3 or 1 or even 2 were much better can't just go there and speak about something they actually like instead of staying here to whine, challenge the opinion of anybody who has anything positive to say about the game and try to "explain" to the fans of this new entry "why" they are actually "wrong" for liking an "inferior" game. You can already do that on the whole internet so why come here and harass people who just want to talk about something they enjoy?
The Ninja Gaiden 2 board is still relatively active on Gamefaqs because most of the people who have been disappointed by 3 went back there. Why can't the DMC fans do the same? Why should people who like this game have to engage in a long and ultimately pointless debate each time they just want to express the fun they got from playing the game?
Anyway the haters get no mercy from me and i applaud this article.
Adam Sessler did a terrible review.Adam Sessler did a good review. And who cares if he liked DMC2, it is his opinion.
Then the "supporters" should man up aswell and be able to take valid complains too.
Adam Sessler did a terrible review.
A review must contain game elements which he didnt do.
He talked about how bad dialogs are for 5 minutes then said 3/5.
Also at gamefaqs they started topics like ''LETS DO PLAN AND PROTEST THIS GAME''
its just a game for the god sake. They opened 20 threads like ''I BOUGHT DMC4 TODAY''
And in every argument they are finishing like ''GO PLAY GOD OF WAR WHILE I PLAY MGS AND DARKSIDERS instead of THIS''
You guys are blind to your own side.LOL you can't be serious pal, you can't. We've been hearing nothing but complaints for 3 freaking years now so i think we've earned a rest and like i said at this point if some people don't like the game they can still go to the other boards and try and keep them alive or start a petition like the ME3 fans( i think it was ridiculous but it did work so...) i don't know...do something proactive. In my opinion it makes much more sense than staying here and harass people who just want to enjoy a game.
You guys are blind to your own side.
"Haters" are a problem too, I know that but the other side is just as vocal about DmC and how "perfect" the game is.
There is no need to keep discussing with haters, they won't give up, lol.
1) They say it's not "about da hair!!", BUT they complain and go nuts when a white wig was on Dante's head. Right...
2) Reviews are good, but they say all of them are paid and we can't trust them! We can only trust the bad ones!
3) Adam Sessler gave it a 3/5, and now haters use it as a argument. They only forgot that the same guy gave DMC 2 a higher score than DMC 4...Sure, that review is reliable because is bashing DmC. So, OF COURSE it's reliable, because it's against DmC, it doesn't matter that DMC 4 had the same score as DmC...Very reasonable thoughts here, folks
4) Kamiya talks good about the game, haters say he is just being polite and professional. Sure, he isn't allowed to like the game, considering nobody is...Right?
I wonder what's coming next. XD
Oh please that's not true and you know it. Sure there are some supporters who can be as annoying as the haters but saying they are "just as vocal" is a huge exaggeration. Proof? This site is the only one on the internet where you almost feel like you can safely say that the game is good. Say that anywhere else and you will be rip to shreds. Also nowhere did i say the game is perfect. No game is. i'm just saying that despite its flaws this is a greatgame that's all whereas for most of the haters it's just an abomination with little to no redeeming qualities.
I just dont believe you guys. To me you are just stubborn about this.
You think the world only turns around you.
No offense.
You seriously can't sit there and tell me that some of the supporters aren't as irrational as some of the haters.
It's true that the haters were mad about the hair in the beginning. And like I stated before, I'm pretty damn sure that there were some supporters who were also mad at the hair yet they transferred to liking the game because they saw the gameplay as well as seeing some of the dialogue in the game.
I've had people come towards me and bash my opinion just because I didn't like the game. And no, I didn't provoke anyone by saying I hated this game. I can never recall the time where I simply did not like the game just because it was different. I gave it a chance yet I don't entirely like it due to the gameplay. And they were as vocal as the average hater that I normally come across.