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Vergil = Nero

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Well-known Member
This is a little theory of mine. Let's assume that after Dante defeats Nelo, Nelo is called back and punished for his failure. However when Mundus is defeated Nelo is able to escape into the human world.
However the plan had a little backfire. When Vergil finally escaped he found himself with amnesia, in coma and with one demon hand.
While he is unconscious the Order use chemicals, devices or whatever they had there(they do have a mad genius) to give him false memories and try to win a demon to fight for them.
When he regain consciousness he thinks he is Nero, had a beautiful life with the Order and had a demon hand due to who-knows-what in his system recently.
The voice echo "Power, give me more power" is his true self trying to surface and as the game progresses he will became more Vergil then Nero and finally he would regain his identity.


1# Trickster
vergil is'nt gonna be in dmc4.. he has no part whtsoever in it.. that's wht teh creator said in the interveiw


it´s not a bad theory ... but ... i think the part of nero being orfan and that kyrie take him while he was a child it´s true


Wesker's #1 fan!
Mahaan;52107 said:
This is a little theory of mine. Let's assume that after Dante defeats Nelo, Nelo is called back and punished for his failure. However when Mundus is defeated Nelo is able to escape into the human world.
However the plan had a little backfire. When Vergil finally escaped he found himself with amnesia, in coma and with one demon hand.
While he is unconscious the Order use chemicals, devices or whatever they had there(they do have a mad genius) to give him false memories and try to win a demon to fight for them.
When he regain consciousness he thinks he is Nero, had a beautiful life with the Order and had a demon hand due to who-knows-what in his system recently.
The voice echo "Power, give me more power" is his true self trying to surface and as the game progresses he will became more Vergil then Nero and finally he would regain his identity.

Not bad bude.


Well-known Member
Well they've said in one interview that he won't play a role in the game. But in another interview, they've stated that Vergil will not stop being a factor in the DMC universe. I personally think that they want to keep Vergil a secret and for it to be a surprise in DMC4, I see no reason to get rid of him after such positive feedback from fans, so I think they're now lying at this point, otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise when he shows up. However, I could be wrong.


Its a Good theory but seeing as Nero and Kyrie are Childhood Friends(so says the producer on the latest interview) how was he turned back into a younger age? also they stated that his arm had recently transformed.Also Nero is too young unless he stopped ageing while being Nelo and he voice is nothing like vergils and he looks nothing like the DMC3 vergil. But these are personal opinions. btw the creators of DMC4 are lying alot.


Wesker's #1 fan!
Chrysander;52259 said:
Well they've said in one interview that he won't play a role in the game. But in another interview, they've stated that Vergil will not stop being a factor in the DMC universe.

Thats right...but in the dmc UNIVERSE. That doesn't nessasarily mean this one. As much as I love em and want him to be in the game, seeing more of the trailers and what the story in part 4 is about, im not sure how Vergil would fit into the game anyways. *sob*


Well-known Member
Nero is too young and boyish looking to be Vergil.
Vergil is a middle aged man now like Dante, not a teenager like Nero.

Though I firmly believe that it is Vergil controlling Nero through his arm. The power..give me more power line is something Vergil would say.


:lol: :D well i think vergil is going to be in the game cus on the website they have 3 empty slots for characters which is for trish lady and ..... vergil YAAAY!!!:D :D


Well-known Member
it may be possible that Nero is a remnant of Vergil(like in final fantasy 7 advent children for those who have seen it). there is a reason why Nero is wearing blue clothing and why he is the one who possess the devil bringer. i am just guessing though.


Nero is not Vergil heres why. Latest Interview, the produces says DMC4 is set 10 years or so after DMC3 making Dante about 28-30. See my point? Dante and Vergil are twins. Nero is too old to be Vergil.


Demon a$$-kicker
Zato-OW;52889 said:
Nero is not Vergil heres why. Latest Interview, the produces says DMC4 is set 10 years or so after DMC3 making Dante about 28-30. See my point? Dante and Vergil are twins. Nero is too old to be Vergil.

XD I was just gonna say that.:cool: Nice logic,Zato!


Well-known Member
EDIT: Okay I keep thinking about this, because it's just so silly that:

A) He's called Nero
B) He has some of the same taunts and battle cries as Vergil
C) His sword blatantly looks like Nelo Angelo's sword
D) "I need more power" Is one of the last things that Vergil said in DMC3

One of the only things that I can think of is that Nero has been primed by the Order of the Sword, or by someone else, in order to be a vessel for a Demon to come to life, almost like Nero is a human sacrifice in order to bring a demon back - that being Vergil. Who knows why they'd want to bring him back... But it just seems to pointed that the voice in Nero's head says "I need more power". Perhaps Nero isn't Vergil at this stage, but it seems like he has lots of the same characteristics. If DMC4 is only 10 years after DMC3 - how many years is it after DMC1? Isn't it possible that when Nero says "From that day forth, a voice echoed in my head" this coincides with when Nelo Angelo was defeated?


You forget the DMC team possibly likes Vergil abit more then dante so them giving Nero some of Vergil Quotes is Highly probible from them since Vergil MAY not be in the game.Most of the DMC team are HUGE fans of vergil and they Need some one as close as possible to vergil(taunt wise) to diverse the chracter from Dante...but to me i think they are baseing Nero off of the DMC3 Dante and Vergil while giving him a cocky attitude(Dante) they are also giving him some Seriousness to add with it(Vergil). Oh and the voice in his head says"power, GIVE ME MORE POWER!!!" Vergil says he needs more power? why? Because He wants to be as strong as his father was and it seemed that he was only intrested in his fathers power as it is rightfully his by blood.The Devil Bringer is requesting for power for a reason Unknown at this time.The whole thing about Vergil Being the Devil Bringer...well i see it like this, If the Devil Bringer was indeed Nelo Angelo then where are all these new powers coming from? These powers were never shown in the Previous DMC games with Nelo Angelo in it. He was never shown to be a Grappling Devil Arm but why now seeing as the Devil Bringer is in a weakend state(not at full power), where did these newfound powers come from? Also another fact that Nelo Angelo was in Concept arts for DMC4 may tell us hes still alive in the human world as himself seeing as the concept art was true revealing trish and lady there hope to see Nelo Angelo or Vergil in the game. Also like i said befor The DMC team are very huge fans of the DMC3 vergil so i dont think they wouldve killed him off just to be sometype of parasite Devil Arm trying to take over someones body. Just my thoughts...


Well-known Member
Zato-OW;52908 said:
You forget the DMC team possibly likes Vergil abit more then dante so them giving Nero some of Vergil Quotes is Highly probible from them since Vergil MAY not be in the game.Most of the DMC team are HUGE fans of vergil and they Need some one as close as possible to vergil(taunt wise) to diverse the chracter from Dante...but to me i think they are baseing Nero off of the DMC3 Dante and Vergil while giving him a cocky attitude(Dante) they are also giving him some Seriousness to add with it(Vergil). Oh and the voice in his head says"power, GIVE ME MORE POWER!!!" Vergil says he needs more power? why? Because He wants to be as strong as his father was and it seemed that he was only intrested in his fathers power as it is rightfully his by blood.The Devil Bringer is requesting for power for a reason Unknown at this time.The whole thing about Vergil Being the Devil Bringer...well i see it like this, If the Devil Bringer was indeed Nelo Angelo then where are all these new powers coming from? These powers were never shown in the Previous DMC games with Nelo Angelo in it. He was never shown to be a Grappling Devil Arm but why now seeing as the Devil Bringer is in a weakend state(not at full power), where did these newfound powers come from? Also another fact that Nelo Angelo was in Concept arts for DMC4 may tell us hes still alive in the human world as himself seeing as the concept art was true revealing trish and lady there hope to see Nelo Angelo or Vergil in the game. Also like i said befor The DMC team are very huge fans of the DMC3 vergil so i dont think they wouldve killed him off just to be sometype of parasite Devil Arm trying to take over someones body. Just my thoughts...

I agree with all that totally. It seems that either way they will be kind of inconsistent. If Nero is meant to be absolutely nothing to do with Vergil, then I think it's kind of silly that he has so many similarities. And on the other hand, if the DB is meant to be Nelo Angelo, then that makes no sense either because like you said, Nelo Angelo's powers don't include any of the things we've seen DB do. I don't think that the DB is Nelo Angelo, I think that's highly unlikely. But maybe he is a voice in Nero's head. I kind of hope that Nero isn't anything to do with Vergil, because I'd like to see Vergil as a separate entity introduced later in the story.


that zzzombiekid
Chrysander;52906 said:
EDIT: Okay I keep thinking about this, because it's just so silly that:

A) He's called Nero
B) He has some of the same taunts and battle cries as Vergil
C) His sword blatantly looks like Nelo Angelo's sword
D) "I need more power" Is one of the last things that Vergil said in DMC3

One of the only things that I can think of is that Nero has been primed by the Order of the Sword, or by someone else, in order to be a vessel for a Demon to come to life, almost like Nero is a human sacrifice in order to bring a demon back - that being Vergil. Who knows why they'd want to bring him back... But it just seems to pointed that the voice in Nero's head says "I need more power". Perhaps Nero isn't Vergil at this stage, but it seems like he has lots of the same characteristics. If DMC4 is only 10 years after DMC3 - how many years is it after DMC1? Isn't it possible that when Nero says "From that day forth, a voice echoed in my head" this coincides with when Nelo Angelo was defeated?

Hmm, good point there Chrysander. ;)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
My story explains what happened before the 3rd Dmc, it explains that when Dante and Vergil were fighting in Dmc1, Dante did'nt know that Vergil was Nelo Angelo. Nelo jumps in the air and breaks out of his armour, however his amulet breaks and falls to the ground. Vergil is then confronted by Mundus were he says to Vergil
" YOU HAVE FAILED ME", he is then about to kill him when Toni silverstrike turns up to get Vergil off the island( Toni being a character in my story) once off the island Nelo Angelo is fully restored and his mind freed, Vergil forgets everything and Toni only tells him the basic stuff. Whilst Dante is finishing off Mundus, Toni and Vergil are off to stop a mass Demon outbreak.
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