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VB's Obssessive Art Thread


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Been working on this for a few days.


Pixel Blaze the Cat from the newer Sonic Games. The black gives a great effect that makes her colour stand out and that you can't see her outlines.

(VeeBee15 is my gamertag... if started to use it because I didn't realize how many VeeBee's there were out there.)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Just created this for my fave Fable 3 character.

A little humor for the new DmC game

Oh and another pixel picture that I'm working on...

Kunimitsu from Tekken!

The bottom picture is where i left it this evening. It shouldn't take much longer. Then back to Credo


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I just wanted to introduce my pets... nothing arty... sorry.


You may have seen her before, but this is Tilly. She may look innocent, but when she was a kitten, she used to climb up my trouser legs...she's lovely. She doesn't like sitting or sleeping on laps... she likes sitting on my shoulder or on my face.


This is our budgie. Pretty/baby... like is said in the thinking thread, i wanted to call her vergil, then we found out she was a girl and pretty/baby is what she is known as... more so pretty. Blooming evil though. She pecked my nose once and made it bleed.


The latest addition that has caused an arguement already.
Dad didn't want me to get one and mum said i could.
Anyway, 'he' (that's what we're assuming anyway) doesn't have a name... the first one i thought of was duke... then i thought of Quincy (after the tv program Quincy M.E.), then i though of Tenpole (after Tenpole Tudor)...
But, i've hurt my brain deciding... so i don't know what to do.
I'm not calling him Vergil, 1. because fish have a '10 sec memory' 2. that's probably just insulting.
My mum was very lucky, i was going to get a rabbit :D ... but i figured that i'd like to live, so i got the fish.


the horror was for love
You have such cute pets. X3 *wants to cuddle Pretty and Tilly* LOL Vergil the fish would be awesome. XD *would like to get a blue beta and name it Vergil* Good luck with names. Naming is always the worst part for me. :/
Rabbits are awesome. ^^ Just slightly stinky and with the tendancy to bite and scratch. >_> *wonders why your mum wouldn't like one*


Dante enthusiast!
I've probably said this before, but Tilly is beautiful! I do like the name Quincy for a fish! Let us know what you decide. :)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Thanks Shadow... I wouldn't want to cuddle the budgie... she might peck my eyes out.
My mum had a rabbit which lived indoors... this was a quite a few years before i was born... and it had fleas and done its dirties on her bed (if you know what i mean.) Plus we live in a small house and I wouldn't want to keep it out in cold weather and I don't trust our neighbours.

Thanks Eb ^^
Thing is, Tilly knows she is pretty... we tell her everyday... (that sounds sad and pathetic doesn't it?)

Well, after a long debate with my brain (or whats left of it) we (sorry I) have decided to name it *drum roll*
Eddie Tenpole

Eddie Tenpole is the lead singer of my fave punk/rock n' roll group called Tenpole Tudor (from all the way back in the late 70's/early 80's and late 2000's). Eddie Tenpole (the person) is actually called Edward Tudor-Pole who I've mentioned before in this thread (presenter of the Crystal Maze). The guy is eccentric and writes really good songs... well if you're into that sort of stuff.

Quincy will be reserved for the next fish... and the one after that will be Reaver... not unless I get a bigger tank and add more fish... (mwhahahahaha)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Been a while since I showed you how it was going, but it's completed!
A pixel picture of Kunimitsu from Tekken Tag.


I love the effect of the pixels, it makes it looks like a painting.

In between searching for long lost family members and general cr*ppiness, will get back to the Credo picture soon... I promise


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Just some news.
Eddie hasn't been well for a few days, and today he died.

I don't flush fish down the bog, and so I buried him in the back garden.

Besides everything else that has happened this week, this seems like the icing on the cake. My mind has 'sploded. I just want to curl up and disappear....


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Been playing alot (ALOT) of MySims lately and I made two sculptures
The First

The Tardis from Doctor Who
(this is an image of the real one http://www.zetacity.com/insidethetardis/images/tardis-large.jpg well fan made, but you get the idea)

And the second

A starship from Star Trek (mainly the USS Enterprise refit http://stblender.iindigo3d.com/images/federation1701refit.jpg )
Got the idea for it after watching the last star trek film last night. Okay, so it's not perfect, but i could only do so much with what I'm given ;)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Sticking with the Trek theme.
I've just uploaded this to deviant art for a halloween competition.


TRIBBLES! Yup, tribbles dressed for Trick or Treating :D As soon as i saw the blog entry to announce this contest, this idea came to me and here it is.

It started out pretty rubbish on paper and turned into this, so it's pretty much a butterfly. (yay for metaphors.)
The one up front is the starship enterprise. Plus, it's not a party with out a brawl ;)
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