It was SO frustrating... you could see the answer to the puzzles and the rest of the team were screaming it to them and they still don't get it. Is it just me or does hardly anyone ever win the proper prizes?
Personally I only watched the ones with Richard O'brien in it, back when I was... ooh only a wee devil =p
I was about 3 when it started. So I don't really remember the early series. I'm watching the re-runs (obviously)on Challenge at the moment, they've gone back to showing series one.
I scream at the tv (profanities mainly) when they can't Do puzzles.
From what I've seen and read, I'm the only person that Likes Ed Tudor-pole.
^ I've channel flicked and saw the Crystal Maze is on Challenge - yeah it always annoyed me - but what about whats on afterwards - Catchphrase! Roy Walker is hilarious and the 80's/90's outfits are so funny! Theres lots of shoulder pads!
^OH...gawd... Everytime I watch catchphrase mum likes to do impressions of the presenter... trouble is though, she's twice as loud as him... f***ing hell... (sorry about the french there.)
Wow, that's EPIC! Any reason why you did it, or were you just in the mood for Sonic overload.
It makes me want to play a Sonic game now. I do love Sonic.
Thanks Shadow and Neither can I.
I've gotta admit, I wasn't confident when I started it. And I'm pretty sure either his nose or his eyes aren't looking right. I'm not good at eyes tbh.
You're welcome. ^^ *is sure it'll be awesome*
Really? I think his eyes and nose look great. Though...maybe his jaw could use a little definition? ^^; *nods* Eyes are difficult...but they're about the only thing I can draw that's not an item of clothing. ._.
*nodnod* Hmm...Ithink it'd really depend on what you'd feel more comfortable with/what you're better at. Kinda like how when people want me to do a drawing I start in pancil and finish in charcoal, cuz I can only get shading right if use charcoal. :/
I loved using charcoal back in college. Hated trying to wash it off of my hands though.
I traced the outline onto Paint .net, typically It looks much better
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