meg127;229677 said:
As I've already said, if how much you like it depends on whether or not you're a FF fan then it probably isn't very good. Ebony, what kind of fighting games do you like? That could really effect how you like Dissidia. I love Tekken because of its complexity and deep gameplay. Dissidia's gameplay is shallow and you only use two buttons. To me its repetitive and while each character is different they aren't different or interesting enough (except Cecil) to keep my interest.
@Aka. If Lightning's in it I might have to play it just to see her reaction to some of the more happy pappy FF characters. :lol:

You serious? Tekken is more of a button masher! Mash buttons in different combinations all over again instead of being precise with your attacks and plan your moves. It's not shallow because it only has two buttons for attacks, it's complex. I mean, equipping so many stuff to be able to play your character the way you want it?
Basic, special, booster and trading accessories.
Abilities that require you to choose wisely for it to be appealing for your tactics and ways of playing.
Stages are more complex than any of the repetetive and shallow stages of Tekken.
Blocking isn't just something you hold to use, you use it as a move, if it don't block anything you'll stagger before you can move, if you do block something that is blockable you get the chance to counter.
You just haven't found your character yet. You got bored after, what was it? Around ten hours... You can't even unlock everything in that short amount of time. You haven't even give one of the characters a chance in that amount of time. The characters have deep, complex and vastly different styles, every and single on of them.
So... Conclusion, summary, whatever: Tekken is beyond shallow in comparison to Dissidia.
@Ebony: This game has tactical stuff, yes. Not that many attacks, yes. But!!! Alot of the characters can combo their attacks, like Golbez, Jecht, Sephiroth, Zidane, Bartz, Onion Knight, Firion, Warrior of Light, Garland, Kefka, Ultimecia, Gabranth, etc.
Jecht is pure awesomeness for anyone who can master him. I can't still...