meg127;229894 said:Ummm....Aka, not to be rude but seriously? First off! I said more than once I thought Cecil was cool, so I did find my character. Second, I played for way more than ten hours its just that it started to get dull after ten hours. Third, Tekken can be a mindless button masher if you don't play it correctly, but if you do its very involved. Its all about timing and performing the right moves at the right times. Dissidia in comparison to that is shallow.
@Ebony- You got 3rd?Congratulations, that's wonderful! :lol: Well, you got both sides of the argument. Aka and I obviously have different opinions and preferences we're not going to agree on soooo....I say play the demo for awhile first.
Oh Oh Oh! Lee and Hwaorang (sp?) are tied as my two favorites. King's cool to.
Bah! The last point is not even an argument against Dissidia. It's also about timing and performing the right moves and the right times. And I'll tint slightly to mention the awesomeness of costumising and the stages actually do have an effect on your playing and are vastly different instead of the generic stages with different backgrounds.
Then we also got the duel coliseum, the story mode, the arcade mode, quick play, and ad-hoc.
The story may not be great to many, but you finally get to see those conversations you want. Zidane and Bartz being pals and having a great time since both are extremely positive. Onion Knight protecting Terra from herself. Tidus, Firion, Cecil, and Cloud accompaning each others and have great story twists. And Squall, who mostly is a loner, sometimes join forces with two persons, having completely opposite personalities than him, Zidane and Bartz.