ULTIMATE CLASH) Devil May Cry vs Dragon Ball Z!

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Well-known Member
Jun 1, 2009
Come on y'all, you need this was coming up sooner or later, and it came. Dragon Ball Z vs our home series Devil May Cry. I wonder who will win?
^There was one thread that pitted a DMC character against a DBZ one, don't remember who.

I think it was decided that DBZ wins cause they can blow up whole planets in one half hearted attack.

I think most DBZ characters are soo overpowered they can pretty much vaporize anyone.
There is no way any one from DMC could win in this battle. They are just too strong and too fast.
Railazel;181272 said:
True, but the attacks usually take a long time to charge up.

Not for everyone, the androids 17 and 18 get to fire energy with no charge time and they never ever run out.

I think a simple energy blast from most DBZ fighters could vaporize Dante or Virgil.

Plus, the DBZ fighters fly. Nothing the sons of Sparda can do about that. Dante's guns or Virgil's swords wont have any effect on people used to brushing off energy blasts strong enough to blow up houses.

I like Devil May Cry, but this is just a huge mismatch. The DBZ fighters are overpowered to completely retarded levels.
All the strongest dbz characters are massively hypersonic in speed if not higher, with enough energy to unleash a volley of planet destroying blasts like its nothing. Frieza was the first planet destroyer depicted in dbz, and he was also the only one who had to take time to destroy a planet in any instance. But thats also only in certain cases, as logically every blast he fired against goku should be beyond continent destroying level at least, considering Nappa could level a city in a second with signiture two finger pose. The difficulty of firing a planet destryoning blasts would be insignificant to the likes of ssj2 or ssj3 goku, mystic gohan, super buu, and Vegeto. The only dmc character who i would like to assume rivals at least low level dbz'ers is Sparda. He may be able to contend with namek saga level characters, by speculation and hype. But overall, DMC only compares to DBZ in pure badassery, and the similarity of thier abbreviated names lol.
Yeah, but if you haven't noticed, that's only in their transformed state, and they have to take a lot of time to get that revved up. Dante might be able to get a few good hits on them, and can take anything they can dish out (probably, Nero hit him I don't know how many times and he didn't even bruise).
Railazel;181420 said:
Yeah, but if you haven't noticed, that's only in their transformed state, and they have to take a lot of time to get that revved up. Dante might be able to get a few good hits on them, and can take anything they can dish out (probably, Nero hit him I don't know how many times and he didn't even bruise).

They don't need planet destroying power to Kill anything in DMC.

An energy blast strong enough to destroy an entire city would kill Dante and blasts like that are efforless for fighters like Goku.

Dante could not take being blown up or vaporized. One of Goku's punches could probably go strait thru Dante, or take off his head. Nero's punches are weak compared to a DBZ fighter.
Black Angel;181329 said:
Not for everyone, the androids 17 and 18 get to fire energy with no charge time and they never ever run out.

I think a simple energy blast from most DBZ fighters could vaporize Dante or Virgil.

Plus, the DBZ fighters fly. Nothing the sons of Sparda can do about that. Dante's guns or Virgil's swords wont have any effect on people used to brushing off energy blasts strong enough to blow up houses.

I like Devil May Cry, but this is just a huge mismatch. The DBZ fighters are overpowered to completely retarded levels.

Speed and power. Yup, it's a mismatch.:lol: Almost all of the DBZ characters only use martial arts while DMC characters use Devil Arms/Customized weapons...

Here's a quick evidence why DBZ characters are far stronger: Early in the series of DBZ, some characters are already immune to gunfire while DMC characters still bleed from it...

It's good to watch DBZ but it's better to play DMC, definitely.:P
There is no comparison IMO... DBZ fighters are WAY overpowered.
Even DMC fanboys have to agree that DBZ owns... their powers are way beyond DMC's demons.

Majin Dante in DMC2 has a power that looks like a kamehameha, but still, gohan's kamehameha after cell's arc was already bigger, and stronger.
Red;181459 said:
Speed and power. Yup, it's a mismatch.:lol: Almost all of the DBZ characters only use martial arts while DMC characters use Devil Arms/Customized weapons...

Here's a quick evidence why DBZ characters are far stronger: Early in the series of DBZ, some characters are already immune to gunfire while DMC characters still bleed from it...

It's good to watch DBZ but it's better to play DMC, definitely.:P

I forgot that even kid Goku is bulletproof.:lol:
Black Angel;181543 said:
I forgot that even kid Goku is bulletproof.:lol:

That's right. I think it's way back from King Piccolo's episodes...:P
Two completeley diferent worlds. When you die in DBZ you go to a Hell that is a joke.
Hell in DMC is like a fallen heaven.
DBZ is out of this world i even think Krilin would beat Dante. DBZ is way to exagerated, they can even destroy planets
DBZ has too much fantasy in it while their speed is ferocious their energy blasts are overpowered you can't match it with theese days Animes like Bleach or Naruto it's just too silly their too strong and dmc isnt just that kinda type its rather more like Bleach if dmc would go against dbz the creators would have to make alot of balances on my opinion :)
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