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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Movie + Game Discussion - Spoiler Warning)


Well-known Member
After a few weeks of waiting I finally saw the movie last night. I was actually throughly impressed! It seems the makers of the movie actually listened to the critique that people gave the original. Removing embarassing and frankly out-of-character lines such as "Bumblebee stop leaking lubricant on the man" and "my bad" (my god how my ears bled).

They kept plenty of the true comedy and drama, coupled with the romantic troubles that the two lead humans suffer it made quite a varied and enjoyable film. Not to mention that after about...well, thrity seconds the film opens into an all out battle scene between an army of Transformers and a co-ordinated battle in Shanghai and it never stops. There is always a compelling reason to keep watching, be it for giant robot action, awkward romantic moments (always funny!) or the tense battle scenes.

I'm also VERY pleased that they decided to give both Megatron and Starscream more than three-lines this time around, so that you actually see a bit of personaity (thank the gaming gods!)

This is a pretty informal review, but if you liked the first film, the original animated series (there have been a few), then this is pretty much a must see -- its what the first film should've been, less embarassing one liners, less Optimus' mouth moving, more Decepticon dialogue and background, more compelling characters, more actual comedy, darker story, screen exploding action and heck, Optimus with Upgrades...nuff' said :D


I'm actually looking into getting the game, I read a few reviews that seem to have been written by some kind of Monkey, because they're all very contradicting. The biggest flaws apparently are the Controls (which take a while to get used to), the enviroment blocking you on occassion (which can be remedied when you know the controls) and how hard it is because of the controls. Yet the reviewer raves about how fun it is...when you know the controls o_O, surely the phrase "A steep learning curve which is very rewarding" would've been more suitable?

Does anyone own the game, any opinions?
I'm really hoping for some more Autobot dialogue on the DVD Release (deleted scenes), afterall the Twin-Motorcycles only had one line (should've been more) and Bumblebee seemed to be pretty sparse too within the movie.

Discuss ^^


Me and my buddies went to go see it last night as well. It was a damn good movie. I would expect nothing less from Michael Bay ^___________^

The twins had me cracking up the whole time lol


Don't trust people
Haven't seen it yet. supposed to be released next month here... or was it this month? Why is it called june and july? it is so darn confusing. Are they twin months or what?

I want to see the movie that's for sure. The game i don't know because i played the other game for the before movie, and honestly it sucked. Nothing much to explore nothing to do boring attacks and so small areas to be in. I mean you just go around the same spot trying to figure out how that fat big machine can fit through to get that collectible and that. And when i collected those collectibles there where some extras. I thought that maybe you could play with different character but i don't think that was possible because i found almost all darn collectibles in the game just missing around 15 of them o_O . So no more license games for me.


Cut 'Em Up!
I loved both movies, thought Revenge of the Fallen was a lot better than the first one.

About the games, the first Transformers game in my opinion was terrible. I won't be buying Revenge of the Fallen game, I don't really buy a lot of games based on movies, as about 90% of them suck.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
The movie is awesome, and much better than the first Transformers movie. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, Starscream, The Fallen and Jetfire are the stars of this movie. More action, better story, nice music, and others. How did Optimus Prime survives in a three on one fight against the Decepticons are amazing, but he's damaged badly by Megatron, if I remembered correctly. Both of the Transformers movies are among my favourite movies. I'm gonna buy the original DVD when it comes out.

I would like to try playing the game, unfortunately it hasn't been released in Malaysia yet.

Linkin Park's song for this movie which is New Divide, is a good song, but Mike Shinoda's rap does not present in this song, which is a shame, Mike is a great rapper... I was hoping Mike Shinoda raps in New Divide.:( Nevertheless, the movie is awesome, and the song is great.:)

Here are some of the wallpapers I downloaded previously.

Here is the main song for the movie, New Divide by Linkin Park. Anyone interested with the Transformers movie soundtracks (compilation of artists and the musical score), you may contact me to get it.:)



Dodge this!!!
Awesome film, i saw it the day it came out (lol long cue!) I loved Jetfire he was halirous, as was that little RC monster truck decepticon :p


Well-known Member
^I found the leg-humping to be something I'd expect from the first film, but seeing as that was the only thing I disliked I thought the movie was an overall success ^^

My Fav. Moment:

Reviving Optimus, such an awesome scene and with Jetfire upgrades watching him beat the hell out of The Fallen and Megatron was so satisfying...shame, I had really hoped that he would've said "Optimus Prime Super Mode!" or something lol


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I haven't seen the film yet but I'm really, really eager to do so. I loved the first one and I even ended up watching the ol' Transformers: The Animated Movie (1986 version). :p

I've heard good and bad things about the game, so I'm not likely to go out my way to purchase a copy. I might pick up one when when I can find one that's cheap enough on eBay.


Well-known Member
The film is well worth seeing - I had my inital doubts following the first movie, but this put (most of) them to rest.

I'm simalarly minded about the game following the reviews, alike many Movie-Games after a month or two the price will drop and I'll likely pick it up then ^^


kl Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat moooooooooooe was soo awesome guys. Go watch it. Just seen it for a second time today lol

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Watched the movie last week with my girlfriend and thoroughly enjoyed it and id say its actually better than the first. More action packed, more involving story, better explained, more humour and over all scale seems much larger. Have to say one thing though... How hot is Megan Fox, i mean... wow.
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