@ aka958
It was not aimed at you specifically, yet you proved my point.
The reason I wrote that is because I have seen time and time again that if you are being positive about the new DmC, then a non-supporter will be sure to tear you down. However, I was not bashing at anyone, or rather, it was not my intention. It was supposed to be a sort of warning.
When I started the thread "To those who are excited about DmC..." I politely asked the non-supporters to refrain from posting, yet the thread was torn apart by those. So yes, I have a rather negative view on them.
That said, I have also chatted with a few non-supporters who gave me an understanding of -why- they weren't supporting the new DmC and I respect their point of view. And then there are those who just seem to enjoy tearing threads like these apart, because they can't deal with the fact that Capcom and NT have changed Dante's character and appearance, and is also underway to change the franchise with the upcoming game, or that there are actually some of us who welcome these changes. It was those people my negative post was aimed at. And your response proved my point.
Esura did someone the same with her "I do not support" post. This thread was to show that some of us support the production of DmC, and Esura made such a negative post out of spite from what it looks like. It's like if someone asks "Those who likes chocolate, say aye" and then someone goes "I HATE CHOCOLATE!!!" - that's not what was asked about with this thread.
So please, if you have some personal issue with me or my posts or threads, write to me in a PM. However, let me tell you now that I have nothing personal against anyone on this forum. People can have the opinions they want and discuss them with other people - that's what a forum is for. But due to the lack of maturity which has been seen by some on this forum, I made that negative comment about non-supporters. That was immature by me and I apologize for it. I did not mean to offend anyone.
Now, please move on with this thread.
Just to make sure, I signed because I support DmC and Ninja Theory as well. I find NT to have an extravagant way to tell a great story, though not the best out there when it comes to a few things. E.g. I find Enslaved to be a beautiful game and fun to play, however, they didn't really add with something new and the rendering seemed a bit outdated.
Therefore, I hope Capcom is helping them with those things to tweak DmC into becoming a beautiful and fun game to play as well as telling a great story about Dante's origins. ^^