My opinion isn't needed here, but pardon me as I chime in. I just wanted to make a few counter points to this.Secondly i'm not saying 5th as a sequel, i'm saying 5th as in 5th DevilMayCry title, & shouldn't have the name, period.
And I'm offended they would pass off a sloppy game with little to non-threatening enemies, a very generous style ranking system, easily exploited cancels, no lock-on system, dimwitted characters, little senses of immediate danger, all to the gaming public & say here enjoy it now pay us full price.
After a DevilMayCry series that's challenging, filled with better dialog, & far more charismatic characters then this.
DevilMayCry 2 is boatloads more enjoyable then the EmoMayCry demo.
DevilMayCry3 was far more challenging.
All with the exception of DevilMayCry4 at full price costs less then this will new.
I think it's Capcom you shouldn't have any respect for.
They're selling you operation raccoon city & smiling.
Sadly, as far as gameplay goes... I can only talk about DMC1 since I haven't beaten the other DMC's above normal... but none the less, as a DMC title I think it fits the part.
DMC2 was just as much of a change from DMC1 as DmC is to DMC4... hell, all the DMC's were massively different from each other. So, really... what's the main reason for DmC not feeling like a DMC game? The gameplay? The changes to the story (eg. Eva being an angel)? Or simply because the characters have a whole new fashion sense?
The style system is no worst than DMC1. Heck, I remember DMC2 being easy to rack up style too. In DMC1 you just had to remain untouched... pretty much it. DMC1's cancels were also easy to exploit, haha. On DMD, there's a zone with like 10 reptile things (similar to Frost's)... I forget their names, but I not only got an S off them, but I did it with one simple cancel'd combo. Slash, Slash, (cancel), Slash, Slash, (cancel)... etc, etc. As far as normal enemies went, there was never any risk involved... I knew all their weaknesses.
However, I do have to admit that the auto-lock on seems to screw me over more than it helps me out. I often target the wrong enemy... but on the flip side, it's MUCH easier to dodge. Especially since I can dodge in any direction I want, instead of simply left, or right. It doesn't make any sense to dodge through an on-coming enemy... but hey, it's made the gameplay much more fun for me.
I hated Dante's look, and I still hate Vergil's look... but playing DMC2 again, I remembered hating Dante's costume... and I also disliked DMC4 Dante's costume too. Hell, even DMC3 Dante had a weird costume... well, he barely even had one. Just pants and a trench coat... but my point is, each game has a whole new look to Dante. As far as character designs go, they no longer affect my opinion of the game itself. Each game so far has taken DMC and twisted it a bit. Hell, even the anime, novels, and manga have done this. Each one has a different Dante, and each one feels like a parallel universe.
DmC's changes don't bother me anymore... Really, the biggest change they made was to Eva. Dante still has those cheesy one-liners, so I'm happy. I do have my concerns, like the Devil Trigger... but it's exceeded my expectations overall.
All in all, if you hate DmC there's really nothing wrong with that. The only DMC I truly liked was DMC1 due to various reasons. Each person has their own favorite DMC... DmC seems like it'll be my second favorite. For you, maybe it'll be DMC5. I doubt I'll be seeing another DMC I like for a few years (assuming the full game is as good as the demo).
I just couldn't agree with your reasons, so I just had to throw my two cents at you.