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Tips for getting a job

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
My cousin has been looking for a job and he hasnt had any luck.
My idea's are out so can you lot give me any new idea's?


Well-known Member
Make your CV stand out, make it clear concise and don't ramble =p

Looking for a job, the internet is a good place to look as well as your local newspaper. It also depends on what your cousin is looking for, some jobs you may have to bite your lip and work for free for a month to give you experience then progress onto a paid postion after the work experience.

Options for quick cash, is to check in with family members (politly) and see if there are any odd jobs that need doing for a few (enter currency here), it may not be glamerous or pay much but if your willing to wash some cars or clear out a garage its pay. :)

Stylish Nereezy

the lone soul reaper
^^^that is so true

always smile and use proper grammar (of course).... i'm extra cheery at interviews:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D<<<thats all i do...gotta show those pearly whites


Is not rat, is hamster
How did it go?

If you are going to write a CV make it only one page - no more. Majority of employers will not be interested in reading past the first page as it's too time consuming and usually full of unimportant details. These days, your exam qualifications are not as important (in a lot of jobs but not all - depends on the position) as your personal experience so what you lack in formal qualifications you can more than make up for with relative experience. Do not make up qualifications and do not make up a job history - these things are easily checked and whilst the odd employer may find it amusing and think you've got balls for lying, many will see you as unfit to work in their establishment.

If you do not have references that you can think of right away, the words "references available on request" are invaluable! And don't forget, it is not allowed for a former employee to give you a bad reference so don't be afraid of putting down their name if you have to.

Above all, get a good night's sleep beforehand, check your appearance and ensure it is fitting with the position you are going for. Sometimes you can overdress which has the same negative effect as underdressing. Don't BS too much, if you have to at all, and be on time. Know a little of the company before you go too - helps to have an idea of the kind of thing you'll be facing should you get the job and shows initiative.

Then relax, make good eye contact, speak clearly and don't panic :)

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
+rep to Angel!

I will have to go back for a second interview, so thanks for the pointers!:D

By the way the job I may get is at Burger King:lol:


Is not rat, is hamster
A job is a job - I don't hold much truck with snobbery in that area. I used to be a cleaner and I got better pay from that than some of my friends did workin in an office :lol:

Plus in the current economic climate, any job is worth going for regardless so good luck to you :D

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Great tips, congratulations to both Keaton and Angel. Both of you shall receive rep+ for all your posts in this thread, you both deserve it!

I will be applying for a job very soon so this has been pretty much a goldmine of "How not to fu, I mean, mess up getting a job.:D


The devoted
there is another way which can also be successful, go into every shop at your local mall/high street/town and just ask for an application form, you can get a job out of the ones you apply for, unless your my brother and cant be bothered to fill them out properly and then have to work for a bad wage


Is not rat, is hamster
Wage wise, get to know what you are entitled to by law so you don't end up being fobbed off with a crappy wage. And don't immediately go for cash-in-hand if you are to be paying taxes or looking for steady employment - a company that wants a permanent employee but won't put it on the books may well not be on the level. Casual labour is different as they should sort that out with their accountant (such as my job) but if you are eligible to pay any sort of taxation on money you earn the onus will be on you to declare it or risk getting caught.

If you get a job with a written contract, read all the terms before signing and again be aware of your rights. It is illegal, for example, for an employer to just go ahead and dock your wages. If you work cash-in-hand you don't have a leg to stand on, so be wary of sudden alterations in your job description - although a verbal contract still carries some weight, it is very hard to prove your case.

It is also not compulsory for an employer to pay you for overtime or pay extra for bank holiday/national holiday work. And any job you accept, get to know ALL your rights as an employee - my first real fulltime job was at a busy hotel and they messed me around so much I left, but only later did I realise they were breaking the law by doing what they did as I had a contract. A bit of research and effort will go a long way...

(the above legalities apply to UK law - don't know about other countries)

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
These are all brilliant points!
Angel, you should beccome a Job Guidence Counseller as I would defo pay for your services. Your Brilliant!

Keep the idea's coming!


Is not rat, is hamster
:lol: - it's called co-running a business and being stabbed in the back by your employees :lol:

Learnt a lot very quickly in the short time we had control of the family business - especially when the whining "you owe me overtime" letters came in from former employees. Too often we don't know what we are and are not entitled to as employees and it saves a lot of time, hassle and aggravation to be smart beforehand rather than be out of pocket and regretful of your former ignorance.

An employer will ride roughshod all over you if he/she thinks they can get away with it and there are more employee rights than ever before, so make the most of it :)
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