Well that's pretty dumb of them seeing as how the Sound Drama has Dante using Alastor and Cerberus in an episode, and Agni and Rudra have speaking lines. If Dante ever wanted to sell off any weapons, it'd be A&R.
I'm aware. I was just saying they could have adopted that ages ago as the reason why he's in debt instead of butchering him to be incompetent, only to cannibalize the novel and put it back into continuity anyway. The trait in the novel matches what was supposed to be in the Drama CD. They just don't know what they're doing.
Dante would still have a little more sense than that. He just comes off as a wannabe manga!Vergil who called Alice a painted hooker and told her that men would get tired of her quickly. But I guess that's the best they can do with a character who doesn't correct a little girl when she mistakes his mother for his girlfriend.
Other greatest hits from Dante In Name Only:
Tells a man whose brother got killed by Redeye that he's stupid for wanting vengeance for his elder brother's death (.....seeing a pattern here.....).
Tells a man to give up on his rockstar best friend who was either possessed by a demon or seemingly gave up her humanity to remain famous, calling her a lost cause and implying she'd die if he [Dante] went to hunt her down. Somehow the episode ended with her being ejected out of the demon shell like a Matryoshka doll of has-been stardom and getting a happily ever after. Yeah, I don't get it either.
Tells a woman to give up on her husband due to a gambling addiction that may get the husband killed by the demon named King. That the woman turned out to be King in disguise is kind of irrelevant in the face of Dante killing the husband himself by wearing one of King's artifacts to win a game, and the man was clearly under the impression that he loved
someone given that he whispered "Sarah, I'm sorry..." as he died. Being an unwitting pawn to (or having ones life co-opted by) a demon isn't a crime, but you wouldn't think that watching that Poker episode! It would have wasted a lot less of the viewer's time if Dante had walked in and lit the place up with E&I.
We humans never give up," indeed.
Also, I guess after the complete crapshoot that was him clocking Trish as a demon within a minute of meeting her as well as the opening episode of this very anime, Dante just can't tell when all these demons are walking around in human bodies unless they either confess to it, have a few murders under their belt already, or literally pop out of their human skin. Top-tier investigative work right there. Writers sure do know what they're doing with this character.
... Oh, right. V. Forgot about him.
Bur Dante tells us in the first game that he was always aware of his demonic powers.
"Even as a child, I had powers. There's demonic blood in me." He drops that truth with 0 apprehension hinted or otherwise, swears on his dad's name to "kill Mundus", and just generally shows no hint of ever having the attitude he did at the age of 19 where "
I don't have a father, I just don't like you, that's all", considering that..... y'know..... Eva told stories about Sparda and how great he was. DMC3 Dante carrying animosity over Sparda and his demonic bloodline requires either the stories not being told, or Dante just not giving that much of a damn about his mother's own words, in effect placing his dislike for Sparda as more important than her fondness for the man, which is as disrespectful to her memory as what Vergil is doing. And we're supposed to believe that this guy who "
at first... didn't give a damn" about the importance of stopping Vergil's plot would have a reason to be in the situation to begin with? He really could have just skipped town if he didn't care. He still had his amulet on him in Mission 1 and actively made the situation worse by going to the tower.
The thing is his character arc in 3 has no real reason to exist and isn't resolved in a way that properly takes into account what characters know and what they would need to know to move forward. He pins his character development on Lady, but all of Lady's interactions with him except for maybe mission 16 is her being negative and racist to him. Dehumanizing/demonizing him, accusing him of murder just because he's next to a dead body, and actually trying to kill him
before she figures out he can survive otherwise lethal shots to justify her use of force. Meanwhile she talks about how her mother was killed by a demon and now she hates all demons, and Dante's supposed to learn from that?**
Anyway Dante has that same issue of his mother's death fueling a hatred for demons, so one would think we'd see how much he truly wants to distance himself from his identity by disavowing his demon blood and insisting on his human side exclusively, right? Yes but actually no, he only denies Sparda in front of Vergil, not in front of Lady, and throughout all that, Eva might as well not exist as a person. If Dante was denying his demonic heritage as-is, he did a ****-poor job of it by never mentioning Eva to Lady to prove he had human blood in him and that they share similar pain. He doesn't even mention how much he treasures his amulet as it's a gift and the last good memory he has of his mother. Every other bit of dialogue from him was about his father or his brother or himself, all partially or fully demonic in nature. No humanity there to even start with as a baseline. Lady winds up learning off-screen that Dante has a human mother, enough to mention it in passing in the epilogue narration for 3. And he takes all of it back anyway in DMCs 1 and 2 precisely because "devils never cry" and "tears are a gift only humans have". He self-identifies as a human pretty consistently.
Kamiya was asked on Twitter why Dante disliked Sparda in 3 and he expressed confusion about it (along the lines of "What? Who said Dante hates Sparda?"). Thus that's not an organic trait to his character.
** I mean, 5 kinda craps all over the idea of a family member having to take responsibility for an evil person in their group and then having to put them down, considering how traumatized Lady suddenly is about killing Arkham, and how 5 resolves the conflict by Nero stopping Dante and Vergil from killing each other even though Dante thought that was what he had to do. So what
exactly was he supposed to learn in the third game? Because Lady was all about stopping her own family with lethal means back then. The game would not have ended the same way if Dante were half-assing his intent to save the world from Vergil and wasn't convicted enough to "
stop you... even if that means killing you".