Okay, it has been awhile but today I'm going to live stream DmC; Devil May Cry The Human (easy mode) Story mode. Why?because it give me a good chance to talk about DmC's story and other stuff. ^^ So, in about an hour or two I'll start the stream. Hope to see you there.
All righty! DmC live stream is live! Btw it will be on human mode because I'm focusing solely on the story. I hope to see you there. :3
Nah, I'm doing just to get a hang off things again. But I will play on higher difficulties in the future. :3Why, this is your first time playing DmC?
Damn I missed it, just got home from school, next time maybe^^
Hey how about an Arkham Origins stream today?
I'm up for some MMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Oh yeah, I'd be there for sure, how far did you get last time? Till Deathstroke?